Dad... · Pt. 14

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I wake up the next morning, yawning as I sit up rubbing my eyes. My bed feels empty as I look over and realize Itadori isn't there anymore. I'm about to get up from bed when the door creaks open and I see Itadori peak his head through.

"Oh! You're awake" he states as he opens the door more and slips in. I nod and he pauses as if trying to think of something. "Wait, I forgot something"

Rushing back out quickly I can hear shuffling from the other room followed by glass breaking. "Itadori!?" I shout confused as I begin to get out of bed. "I'm okay! Just stay there!" He shouts back and I hesitate.

I hear more shuffling as footsteps approach and the door creeks open. Itadori walks through, balancing a tray table with two bowls, 2 cups, and spoons. I raise my eyebrow at him and he smiles sheepishly as he sits on my bed next to me, setting up the tray table.

"How romantic" I joke, raising my eyebrows in amusement as I look at the bowls of (favorite cereal) and cups of (orange/apple juice). He laughs in response and I thank him as we begin eating. "Eh, new hoodie?" He asks, poking my shoulder.

A slight tint of blush glows on my face as I say "something like that.", though he doesn't seem to notice. We talk and laugh for a bit as we finish up our cereal. A ringing interrupts us as I try to calm down my laughing, him not bothering to wipe off the piece of cereal on his face that I flung at him.

It's Itadoris phone. He answers and his demeanor seems to change slightly as his smile drops for a moment. "Okay.." Is all I hear him say as he hangs up, turning back to me with his previous smile.

"Sorry Y/n, I've got to go." He smiles and I'm about to say something when my own phone rings. "Ah, alright." I say, pulling out my phone. "I'll see you later Itadori, and thanks." I smile at him as he waves, leaving.

I answer my phone, forgetting to check the caller ID. "Hello?" I sigh as I stand, picking up the two now empty bowls.

"Why haven't you been answering you're phone!?" My mother asks worriedly. My eye brows furrow at the urgency in her voice.

"I'm sorry mom. I've been busy, what's wrong? You sound like you've been crying." I mumble the last sentence as I place the bowls in the sink.

"... Your father was in an accident. He got hit by a drunk driver. The doctors don't think he's going to make it-" She explains, voice cracking as she's interrupted by her own sobs.

I freeze. There's so many questions I have but I can't bring myself to ask any of them, let alone open my mouth. "I-..." "He's at the hospital right now, I'm here too-" suddenly there's something beeping and the sound of hurried voices in the background.

"Oh my god... What's going on-" my mom begins but then the call cuts off. I don't waste a second as I toss my shoes on, putting my phone in my pocket as I dash out the door. I don't have time to get a ride. I run as fast as my legs can go to the hospital, not stopping and avoiding any delays possible.

By the time I get there my legs are sore and I can hardly breath, but I force myself forwards as I enter to see my mom, crying on a seat, seemingly waiting for someone. Finally she notices me. The moment her eyes meet mine, I know. She shakes her head no and more tears spill from her eyes as she pushes her head into her lap and covers them with her arms.

I gulp seemingly nothing as my dragged steps approach, sitting on the seat next to her. I put my arms around her and she leans into the hug, still sobbing. I stare blankly as tears spill from my own eyes, some part of me still trying to process what's going on.

Then it hits, all at once. My eyebrows furrow and my fists clutch tightly as my head drops down. I cry shaking my head no weakly, a sob escaping my throat.

An hour later.
My body shakes lightly as I enter my room. Mom sent me away. She wanted to be alone for a bit. I do too to be honest.

My room is dark as I enter, I don't bother turning the light on. I close the door and walk to my bed, using what sunlight is peaking through the curtains to make my way there. As I plop onto the bed I groan as my phone vibrates. I take it from my pocket to see a text from an unknown number.

My breath hitches as I open it to see an image. It's a guy. My eyes travel down to the message. It explains that the guy is the drunk driver responsible for my dads death along with links to multiple news articles on the situation for proof. My eyes widen and my mouth gapes open a bit.

Y/n: Who is this???

??: That's not important.

After that any texts to the unknown number won't go through. Out of frustration I toss my phone to the ground and let out a breathy huff. My eyes water but I don't think I can cry anymore, or I just won't let myself.

I take a moment before slowly picking up my phone and looking at the picture with the guys name under. I mutter it under my breath. My free hand clutches into a tight fist as my grip also tightens on my phone, me still staring at the image on my screen, nearly to the point of fuming.

After a few minutes of just staring at the picture I sigh, teary eyed and toss my phone on to the nightstand next to my bed. I don't bother to charge it as I lay down on my back, staring blankly at the ceiling. After what feels like eternity I feel my vision begin to fade as I almost fall asleep.

I don't though. That feeling is back, the one screaming danger, only this time it doesn't feel dangerous to me. I hear a weird sound and shuffling as I open my eyes. They widen at the sight of the thing standing near the foot of my bed. I stare at it and it's disfigured form seems to stare back.

The discoloration and disfigured thing is creepy enough without the weird gurgle like sound coming from it. A curse. Possibly grade three. Is this what my parents were telling me about? But I'm not asleep...

My hand reaches towards the curse, but it doesn't move. Then I remember the man in the photo and him name and my hand stops. I pull my hand away as the curse begins leaving. It's fast then suddenly it isn't there. I know it's not gone though. I also know where its going. It's one goal at the moment.

I don't bother to stop it. My hands curl into a fist, but I release it and take a few deep, shaky breaths. Slowly I lay back in bed thinking about what just happened. Finally, I let my mind at ease, assuring myself it'll be okay. A tear or two still slips, but I ignore it, not even bothering to wipe them away.

I lay on my side, curled into a ball as I fiddle with the string of my hoodie with one hand, using my other to rest my head on.

My vision begins to fade once again and my mind feels woozy as I allow my eyes, still burning from the crying, to shut. Eventually I let myself be engulfed by my tiredness as I fall asleep.



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