Morning · Pt. 11

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*unedited; please don't mind any mistakes/errors*

Y/n's POV
I wake to an extremely annoying alarm, one I certainly don't recall setting. Groaning in annoyance I toss my hand on top of my phone, tapping on the screen til eventually the ringing turns off. I drift off to asleep for what feels like a good minute or two, then it rings again.

I sit up this time and toss my covers to the side as I let out an irritated whine. I look at my phone and realize it isn't the alarm this time, but a call. It's my mom, but before I can answer it goes off. I'll just call her back later. I yawn as I rub my eye's and check the time. 10:29 a.m. I slept in on accident.

Then I notice something else, my phone is currently surviving on 2%. I panic for the charger and fortunately manage to get it before my phone just completely dies. Today is clearly not my day. I sigh relieved that I managed to keep my phone from dying. Nevermind. My eyes widen slightly and I toss myself back into bed as it dies and I realize the plug isn't plugged into the wall.

"Fuck!" I shout, clearly already done with the day. Sighing tiredly I sit up and plug my charger in before reluctantly getting up. Since all the curse stuff came to my attention it feels like my life has kind of fallen out of place. Obviously finding out I'm a curse and unintentionally being responsible for 2 deaths, nothing is going to be the same, but still. Like my life had an order, a schedule, a plan. Now I just don't know when, where, what, why, or even how.

As I walk to the bathroom I nearly trip over something. Luckily I'm able to catch onto the wall before I fall. I look down to see my box of paints and paint brushes, I guess I forgot to put it away. "Great way to start the day." I mumble to myself as I slide the box onto the top shelf of my closet.

I hop in the shower, after doing what I usually do after I wake up. My head slightly hurts from the frustration just from this morning but I don't mind it. I feel like I'm forgetting something as I put on my clothes. It bothers me while I try to remember, but can't. "What was it? I know there was something... Damnit." I think aloud. "Maybe I'm just overthinking it".

I walk to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. As I reach up into the cabinet to get a cup however, I yelp at a sudden pain in my shoulder. "Ow.. That hurt" I complain, slightly wincing as I try lifting my arm again. It hurts to lift it too much, I don't know how I didn't realize it sooner. I move the shoulder of my shirt enough to expose my collarbone and shoulder as I walk to an area with better lighting. There's a bruise there, not a bad one but it's there. It wasn't there before.

I mentally face palm myself for not noticing sooner as I get out an icepack and put it against my shoulder. Getting a cup and starting the coffee, I try to think of what could've caused the bruise.

"are you sure? It'll be getting dark out soon"

My eyes widen slightly. The scarred guy from last night. He had his hand on my shoulder, it stung for some reason, but he didn't put enough pressure for it to sting, let alone form a bruise. Yet for some reason it still stung, thigh there's no confirmation that it's why I have a bruise now. I roll my eyes at the thought. You can't get a bruise like that from some creep laying his hand on your shoulder.

I try shaking away the thought as I sip my coffee then go to check my phone. After a few minutes it finally turns completely on and the notifications start appearing. A few from my mom, some from Hanako, a few random notifs, and one from Itadori. Wait, Itadori? I scrunch my eyebrows together confused as I tap the notification.

Itadori: hey Y/n! I managed to convince Nanami to let me do whatever today and he agreed(sort of). Anyways I'll be there around 12 :)

And he didn't bother telling me about this sooner?? I hop up from my bed and rush to pick up scattered clothes and color pencils from the floor. Since I've been the only one here, I haven't been too focused on keeping the place clean, nor have I really had much time to.

I set my coffee on the kitchen counter as I enter. Turning on the sink, I toss a few dishes in. By the time I'm done cleaning around the house it's 11:37. I sigh of relief having done what I need to do. I finish up my coffee and go to my room as I pull out my stash of snacks from a box hidden under my bed. Yes hidden, I don't trust that Gojo Sensei won't come back just to take them. I pull out the box and set it on top of my bed before checking my phone again.

I clear all the notifications and set a reminder to call my mom back later. I drift off for about 10 minutes before I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I jolt awake at the sudden noise nearly tumbling off my bed. "Y/nn? It's me!" I hear someone say joyfully from the other side of the door. I can't help but smile as I jump up and run to the door. As I open it I jump up and hug Itadori who almost falls back at the sudden impact.

"Hey Y/n!" he says to me as a smile spreads across his face. "I have a lot to tell you!" He continues. "Hey Itadori, come on and you can tell me." I say as I grab his hand and we sit on my bed. Picking up the box, I dump out the snacks and spread them across the bed. His eyes sparkle seeing this. Cute.

"I want some too." Another voice joins in, almost demanding. I almost forgot about him.

I roll my eyes jokingly as I look at the mouth now visible on the side of Itadoris face. "No, you still owe me a hoodie!" I pout in a slight irritation at the memory of him ruining my favorite one. He groans annoyed. "Plus, I thought you couldn't eat human food" Itadori adds in, annoying Sukuna more.

"I tHoUgHt YoU cOuLdNt- shut up brat. Besides, I never said that." Sukuna mocks in an irritated tone. "And...?" I say somewhat tauntingly, waiting for him to add on. He sighs "Fine! I'll get you a new hoodie" he grumbles and Itadori and I laugh. "Okay, okay, you can have some too." I say as I calm down from laughing. It doesn't exactly lighten his mood, but at least he seems less grumpier now.

I sigh as I sit down and begin searching through the pile of snacks. "So, what have you done lately? Anything fun?" Itadori questions as he muches away, sneaking Sukuna a bite every now and then. Honestly it's kind of a funny sight. "Meh, not much. Judy training every now and then, some studying. There isn't much to do here." I pout a bit at how boring I sound right now.

"Hmm, that's okay, I'm sure we can find something to do" Itadori says and smiles. "Sounds lame" Sukuna mumbles, earning a glare from Itadori and I. "Well what have you been up to?" I ask. He did say he has a lot to tell me. He goes on and on about Nanami, his training, the movie theater incident, and his new friend, Junpei.

"He's pretty cool, I should introduce you to him!" He says proudly, as if he just came up with a brilliant idea. I chuckle at his eagerness, he seems to really enjoy hanging out with Junpei. "Maybe someday" I agree. "Bleh bleh bleh. Can we do something entertaining now or are you 2 losers just going to sit here and talk" Sukuna complains. Itadori and I look at each other and shrug.

"I don't know what you mean by we, but any suggestions on what Itadori and I should do?" I ask, somewhat taunting. I've found it somewhat entertaining to mess with Sukuna and live. I mean, if he really hated me taunting him, he would've killed me by now most likely, so I'm not too worried. "Don't be a brat too Y/n." He says trying to be intimidating. "Yeah yeah, anyways I actually don't have any ideas." I say.

It goes quiet for a minute or two til Itadori comes up with an idea. "What about a game?" He asks tilting his head. "Sure, but what game?" I ask. "I have a game, brat lets me take control for a bit and the-" Sukuna starts but Itadori and I cut him off with a synchronized "no."
Hello! So I was actually going to split this into 2 parts, one where they are actually playing a game. However, I have no clue what game. Please comment suggestions, along with ideas for each suggestion (ex. truth, dares, questions, I have/haven't etc.)

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