Truth/Dare with a Twist · Pt. 12

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It's quiet for a moment as we both try to come up with a game to play, ignoring Sukunas "game ideas" that involve letting him take control of Itadori. "Come on already! How about we just play a little game of hide and seek?" Sukuna suggest, mischief in his tone and I look at 'him'(the mouth on Itadoris cheek). "I'm scared to know what your idea of 'hide and seek' is. Not happening." I say and he frowns.

Finally I manage to come up with an idea. "How about truth or dare?" I suggest with a smirk. I get an "I'm fine with that"/"sure" from both of them. "But! With a twist" I add. Itadori looks at me confused and I hear an "Oh?" from Sukuna.

"What's the twist?"
"Well, if you don't want to do the truth or dare you get, you have to take a piece of clothing off. Whoever takes the most pieces off by the end of the game has to go outside in public like that." I explain with a smirk. Itadori and I are somewhat competitive, this will certainly make things a bit more interesting. Plus, although I'd never admit it out loud, I kind of sort of am uh, curious.

"Oh and if you choose to take off your socks, both count as one piece, just so the game doesn't go by slow" I add.

Itadori takes a moment to think as a slight dust of blush spreads on his face, which I find cute. Sukuna on the other hand is all for it, no hesitation. "Alright. I'm going to win though" Itadori says and I smile. "We'll see.".

"Truth or dare?" I ask and Itadori replies with a quick truth. I take a second to think. "Have you ever stalked someones social media and if so who?" I ask and a tint of blush shows again. He seems to hesitate before answering. Only he doesn't answer as he reaches to take both socks off. I'll take that as a yes.

I smile but quickly hide it as he looks back up at me. "Truth or dare?" He asks me. "Dare." I reply, confident that it couldn't be that bad. I was wrong.
"Hmmm. I dare you to call your parents and tell them you lost your virginity!" He says and laughs. My eyes widen. Who knew Itadori could come up with that. Then again he is a teenage guy so I shouldn't be too surprised.

My eyes narrow at him as I take off my socks and he continues to laugh. Two can play at that game. "Truth or dare?" I ask after he stops laughing. "Dare" "Well, I dare you to call Gojo sensei and tell him you got a random girl pregnant." His smile drops as he looks at me like "seriously?". Now it's my turn to laugh as he pouts, pulling out his phone.

My eyebrows raise in amusement as he dials Gojos number who doesn't answer. "Try again" I say and he does. This time he does answer and Itadori puts the call on speaker.
"Yuujiii! Do you need something?" Gojo asks in his normal cheerful tone.
"Uhh" he starts before looking at me.

"Do I have to do this?" He whispers to me and I nod as I cover my mouth to keep myself from laughing. I can even see Sukuna smiling and trying not to laugh on Itadoris hand.

"Yuji?" Gojo asks and I can almost hear him perk up and tilt his head from the other side of the phone.
"Right!" Itadori begins to tell Gojo about a random girl he met and accidentally got pregnant. I'm surprised that he actually came up with a story to add to it, making it more believable.

"Eh? Really?" Gojo says after, confused. Itadori replies with an embarrassed "mhm" and it goes quiet.
"Gojo sensei?" Itadori mumbles, confused at the sudden silence. I'm confused too, at least until Gojo bursts out laughing from the other end. "W-wait it was a da-" Itadori tries to explain til I grab the phone and hang up.

He looks at me in disbelief as Sukuna and I burst out laughing as well. "You even came up with a whole story!" I manage to say through breaths as I fall back onto my bed, holding my stomach as I laugh. This is the most I've laughed in a while.

After about 5 minutes I manage to calm down and the game continues. Let's just say, it only got more interesting from there. About 15 minutes later Itadori and I are sitting on opposite sides of the bed as we continue the game. Itadori is in his underwear. I still have on a T-shirt and my undergarments. We both remain too caught up in the game to really care much though.

We tried giving Sukuna a chance. Of course letting him kill someone wasn't going to happen, even if it was just a random person on the street. He lost any chances in the game after that.

"Dare" I choose and Itadori seems to hesitate. He blushes before taking a deep breath and blurting out seemingly in a moment of confidence "Let me kiss you!". My eyes widen and his do too as both our faces turn red. Sukuna chuckles with a slight smirk.

I hesitate before taking my shirt off and Itadori looks disappointed as he smiles reluctantly and rubs his nape, eyebrows furrowing.

"Sorry-" he starts but I cut him off. I can feel him tense up as my lips meet his and for a moment I do too. We both loosen up as the kiss lasts a few minutes. I pull away as I look to the side, embarrassed, and sit back down where I previously was.

It's quiet for a moment as we both sit, thinking about what just happened. The blush of a tomato still very evident on the both of us. "My turn~" I hear Sukuna say, making my blush grow more if that was even possible. Itadori slaps his hand where the mouth appeared. This time he actually got him as a sharp "ow" is heard from Sukuna.

It's awkward for a moment before I smirk and point at Itadori who's still blushing. "I win." I say. He tilts his head with a small "eh?" As he looks down. The realization seems to hit as I laugh and he fake cries.

I stand up tossing a shirt, shorts, and socks on before looking up at him. "I feel like taking a walk at the park, you know, the one by the area with all the stores. Sound good to you?" I say with a smirk as I look at Itadori who's covering his face embarrassed. I sigh before turning around. "Maybe just around the neighborhood then." I say before walking out of the room, hands in pockets.

I wait for him by the front door as he leaves the room. I try to keep my blush from showing. Damn he's fit.

We start our walk and after a couple of minutes he seems less embarrassed. Honestly at one point I began to question if he even remembers he's walking around in his underwear. We get a few... Okay maybe several odd looks as we walk but no one says anything, they just move away. Though he does get a few other type of looks from a few girls.

How annoying.

We manage to walk a good distance before a guy starts shouting at us. We stop before glancing at each other, then we take off as we run back, laughing. He's hard to keep up with, but he seems to hold back and we run staying close together.

We're both out of breath and laughing as we get back inside, almost slamming the door. We manage to calm down a bit. "Do you want to stay in my room tonight?" I offer with a smile. He nods and returns it before we race to my room and jump onto my bed. We spend the next few minutes laying side by side, staring at the ceiling in a comfortable silence.

"We should probably go to sleep now." I say, glancing outside to the Sun already setting. I guess we lost track of time. "Yeah probably" he agrees, following my gaze out the window.

He volunteered to sleep on the floor, but then I'd feel bad. So instead, we both share my bed. Luckily it's a big bed so we don't have to worry much about the awkwardness of laying so close together, though it is still a bit awkward. We do manage to fall asleep though. Or at least he does. Or at least I thought so.

A smile creeps onto my face in the dark room as I feel his hand grab onto mine lightly as he intertwines his fingers with mine. I don't want to embarrass him anymore, so I stay laying down with my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep until eventually I finally fall asleep.



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