Realization & Acceptance · Pt. 7

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Y/n's POV
I started to feel lightheaded as breathing became more difficult. It was as if my world had fallen apart in that moment.
They were dead. It was my fault, and I had no clue.

Then everything went black.
I remember now. Me and Aiko had gotten into a big argument over something that I don't even remember. I just know I was mad about something.
The last thing I said to her, my own cousin, was "I hate you".

I stormed off to my room and went to sleep. When I'm really upset that's what I usually do. Go to sleep and hope everything would be fine when I woke up. However that wasn't the case as I woke up with news that there had been an incident and that Aiko was found dead.

I don't know how she died and I was never allowed to see her after even at the funeral. My parents did seem off around me after that but I didn't pay much attention.
Amaya was my bully and had ruined something that meant a lot to me. The anger and hatred I felt towards her after that was strong.

Something felt off after I realized I punched her, it's like I wasn't myself in the moment. After everything that happened after that I'd gone home and gone to sleep, like usual. The next day she was found dead.
"Y/n~" a voice said. It was the same voice I heard last time. I opened my eyes once again in a dark room. At this point I wasn't surprised.

"hello...?" I replied quietly.
"hi Y/n, so they finally told you huh?" "y-yeah... they did" I replied. I could hear footsteps but as I looked around there was no one there. "I'm just here to explain a few things, who or what I am won't matter since after this you'll never hear from me again" they said.

"Uh- ok? I guess" I mumbled. I mean I never really wanted a random voice in my nigh- visions so it didn't really matter to me.

"1 as you have learned from your parents, you can summon curses in your sleep. This really depends on your mood. Your curse is mainly controlled by your emotions. The better control you have of your emotions, the better control you have over your curse." It explained. Now I was listening closely.

"2 besides your curse you have a few other abilities, though those you will have to figure out on your own"
Before I could question it the voice continued talking.

"Also you might wanna be careful, you have a long road ahead of you~ hehe" the voice chuckled and began to fade.
"Wait!" I tried to call out but it was too late.

I slowly woke up in my room to the sound of loud talking from down stairs. Not yelling, but they weren't being quiet that's for sure.
I got up and made my way downstairs to see what was going on. As I got towards the bottom of the stairs I could hear my dad saying something.

"I am not letting my daughter hang around that thing! I understand but I don't care what they think. I want him out of my house too."
"Why don't you let her make her own decision on this?" My mom interrupted.
Hearing this I rushed downstairs to see what the heck he was talking about and to who.

"Oh hey Y/n!" "Oh hi Go- Gojo!? Itadori!? What are you guys doing here?" I ask completely lost.
"Y/n do you know them?" My mom asked. "Y-yeah. I met them like a week ago I think it was. Itadori is my friend and Gojo is my other friends older brother." I told her.
"What's going on?" I ask before either of my parents could continue questioning me.

"The higher-ups want us at Jujutsu to keep an eye on you. Since you know about your curse now, it could make you more dangerous. You see the elders are cowards" Gojo explained as he walked towards me with both his hands in his pockets.
"While you aren't too dangerous, they still see you as a potential threat. At least until you learn to control it."

Me? Well I mean that's understandable but I haven't even completely processed everything yet...

"How would you like to attend Jujutsu and spend more time with us!" Gojo asked waving his arms around him and Itadori as if it were a show and tell. My dad was about to step forward and speak til my mom stopped him.

I took a moment to think. Maybe it was for the best? I looked at my painting for a few seconds then back at Gojo and Itadori. "Will it affect me becoming an artist?" I ask.
My parents eyes softened and Gojo smiled wider.
"Nope! You can still do that too, also you'll start whenever Yuji goes back" he tells me and I smile a little.

"Ok.. I'll go" I say.

Itadori was about to say something when for some reason Sukuna decided to but into the conversation.
"Soo~ it's about time they told you ha" The mouth appeared on the side of his face. Once again Itadori tried to cover it, but like usual it doesn't really work out too well.

"Yeah... I think I can agree with you on that.." I said glancing at my parents. Sukuna laughed then went away but then came back a few seconds later.

"Also you forgot to lock your window after this brat left" he said with a smirk. I glared at him and he just began laughing before going away.
I looked at my parents nervously who were now looking at me for an explanation.
Fucking snitch!

Gojo put his hand over his mouth and giggled like a child before swinging his arm over Itadori's shoulder and whispered something I couldn't hear in his ear. I don't know what he said but from the embarrassed look on Itadori's face and aggressively shaking his head no I think I have an idea. -_-
After a long lecture from my parents, a difficult interview with who I think was the principal, and explanation of all the rules I was now officially a student at Jujutsu high school.

Since I wasn't going to actually start attending til Itadori did, I wasn't allowed to say hi to the other 2 first years because they didn't want me slipping up and admitting he was actually alive on accident.
So I was stuck with Gojo, Itadori (Sukuna), and Kiyotaka for the time being.

Right now me and Itadori were hanging out at the apartment me, him, and Gojo are temporarily staying at til we can go back to the dorms.

Since I can't control the curse, and they sometimes are "summoned" in my sleep, staying with them was a good idea. That way killing the curses I unintentionally make won't be a big deal.

Itadori and me were both on the couch, our legs flung over the backside and heads hanging off the edge, hanging upside down trying to see who would get up first. It was just a small competition of boredom however it's been about an hour now and neither of us have lost. I wasn't gonna lose to him but he wasn't budging.

"What's Sukuna like?" I ask curious.
"Hmm well he can seem intimidating but once you have to live with him he's pretty irritating.
"What did you just say??" The mouth appeared on his face and Itadori covered it with his hand unbothered.

However this time the mouth didn't re-appear on his hand for some reason.

"Ow! What was the for!?" I look over to see Itadori now sitting up rubbing his hand. "What?" I ask.
"He bit me!". I couldn't help it, I started laughing. "It's not funny!" He pouts.
As I start to calm down from laughing I point at him and smirk.

"I won" I told him and he quickly looked down then at me.
"Damn, this is Sukuna's fault" he says with a pouty face. "Thanks Sukuna!" I say and snicker. The mouth on Itadori's face still hadn't gone away and Sukuna started laughing.

"Hmph he likes to watch people suffer too" Itadori adds attempting to glare/pout at Sukunas mouth while he rubs his hand. "I can tell! I haven't gotten a lecture that long from my parents in my life. I thought I'd be dead before I left my house!" I shout throwing my arms up then dropping them to my sides.

Technically right now we were supposed to be binge watching a bunch of movies and avoid getting punched by that cursed stuffed animal. But I got bored and fidgety so I just locked it in the closet and we started talking.

I sat up and noticed Gojo standing at the door both arms crossed. Itadori noticed I froze and followed my eyes to see what I was looking at. Then he froze too. Me and Itadori looked at each other. "Oops?" Then started laughing as I could hear Gojo sigh.

Maybe this won't be too bad.



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