I clench the steering wheel and burn through everyone, trying any tight spaces and anything to get there on time. I don't feel like myself in this damn shirt but I need to open up and I know that it has been too long. Take a long breath as I attempt to navigate through the clearing traffic as fast as I can, going much faster than anyone else. I grab my bag and place it on the seat next to me.

By the time I've reached the school, I've downed the frappuccino. I grab my bag from the seat next to me and slam the door shut after I step out. I lock the car and make my way toward the school. I take a deep breath as I walk through the gravel parking lot and admire just how shitty half of the cars here are. I take another deep breath and admire that the sun has finally started shining almost every day now. My lungs are filled with air that steadies my whole body. Fuck. Why am I so fucking nervous? I bite the insides of my cheeks and clench my jaw before making my way up the school. I rush up to the library, the large coffee wasn't enough and I don't think the energy drink will be either.

"Uh, yeah, one small caramel frappuccino," I say, being caught off guard by the cashier asking me the question of what I want. II glance over to the library and pot something but I can't make out what it is.

"Here you go." The barista smiles and I smirk with a nod before heading over to the library and spotting that dark brown head of hair that I love so much. 

She's asleep. 

I can't help but smile to myself before placing the drink in front of her, grabbing my backpack into my hands, and ripping out a sticker note. I take the pen from her hand and after writing my message, I stick it to the drink. Hopefully, she wakes up in time to enjoy the caffeine I desperately need.

I give her one last smile even though nobody but me knows about it, and head downstairs for class. Knowing she definitely won't make it n time since class has already started, I feel worse about going and I'm tempted to skip like I've done countless of times before but I need something in my life to change. And with small changes toward me, maybe one day, I can get Madison back, but until then, I'm ready to work for this. Work as hard as I can. I find an empty seat in class and as soon as I think of Madison again, the words Stephanie said taunt me.

"Madison doesn't love you anymore." I know the words aren't true. They just aren't. 

Those two are sticky as glue, there's no way Madison's best friend would tell me Madison still loved me, and let me keep pestering Madison. But I agree with Stephanie. It has to be her choice and I can only hope Stephanie sees the good in me like Madison does because if not, I might have to step in myself.

I focus on the professor, I don't want to have to repeat any damn classes but my mind doesn't leave Madison. Is this how she felt when I didn't show up to class? The agony of waiting and hoping that the next time I hear the door creak open it's her, but it isn't.

The classroom turns dark and the professor lights up the large screen he's operating on for the whole class.

Madison's POV

Oh god, no. I fell asleep. I quickly sit up and see a frappuccino in front of me, with the cream melted into a white marshmallow-like puddle which is somehow appetizing. I look at the black sticky note on it and I know exactly who it's from without reading what it says.

'You're late to class.' -Miles Ryder.

The note reads and I can't help but crack a smile. I've tried being so organized and so on top of everything but now Miles is the one watching as our positions of showing up in class are changing. I still can't believe he showed up here and saw me like this, so out of balance from everything I've known, so tired and so not ready for anything that my outside world has to throw at me.

I take a deep breath and with a quick swift motion, I grab the coffee and take a small sip as I run down the stairs and find my class. I'm still a little disoriented and it takes me a while to find something I'm so used to seeing. 

I open the door and instantly, Miles's poisonous eyes catch me. I'm thrown back toot the first times when I came to class, my heart and stomach ached just like now about seeing him except then I wouldn't accept those were feelings of love. I still can't believe how he talked to Jace or that he put Jacob into another coma but I know he operates much differently than I do. 

His hand is covering his mouth and his elbow is on the table. His head turns back to the class and I realize that I've been standing in the door watching him for at least a minute or two. 

The whole class is silent, waiting for me to either enter or exit. My cheeks start to turn warm and I can only hope they're not a deep pink by the time I sit down two rows beneath Miles, on a chair a little bit more to the right so II can at least see the side of his face. 

I see his lips streching into a smirk and I roll my eyes. He thinks he has me wrapped around his finger all the time, and maybe he does, but he has to stop being so obvious about his thoughts. 

I take another sip of the frappuccino and realize that maybe that's why he was smirking. Oh god, I'm so helpless in this situation. 

I don't know how to decipher my own feelings toward this whole situation because all I can do is envision him and those eyes and when I'm hurting because of the memory of my mother, I want his touch, I want to lay down beside his chest and let his cologne cover my insides.

"He's just so hot, I want to scream, it's ridiculous that he's still single after whoever he was dating." I hear quietly but clearly and I turn to the side. 

Lacey's eyes meet mine. Since when did she join this class? My head floods with confusion but then I remember that this is a new semester, one that I haven't had too much time to get used to let alone the completely new classes. 

Lacey catches me and then with whoever is beside her, the two blow raspberries and then fall into laughter, hiding under a notebook. I shrink into my seat, feeling even worse than before I showed up.

The teacher continues his lecture but I don't understand anything, I've already missed half the class and I don't feel like I can keep up with anything. I've returned all the assignments that Stephanie helped me with and I'm thankful I have someone like her on my side because right now, I couldn't feel more lonely. 

I sip the rest of what's in my Starbucks cup. I feel slightly guilty for accepting something from Miles but I need the caffeine today.

"Quiz time!" Mr. Stafford says and I almost which I was in class with Mr. Laurence who is scary while you're taking the test, but afterward, you always seem to do okay on his quizzes.

I take a deep breath and my heart starts to beat hard in my chest.

"The quiz isn't what you think, it's from today's lesson." Mr. Stafford adds and as the class is frowning and mumbling something in between each other in a dissappointed tone, my heart sinks completely into my stomach.

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