"Dad I told you that I was careful.......And the pic of car parked for few hours in a parking lot of a college with me and Disha inside doesn't mean we were fucking" I close my eyes in embarrassment listening to such blunt words from vihaan.

"Son how many times have I told you about your LANGUAGE"

"Says the one who is using it" I hear vihaan mumble and I think everyone heard it but they ignored it.

"What are we going to do about it now?" dad ask. Raj uncle and dad both settle down on the sofas. I am so proud of dad's and Raj uncle's friendship. Even been one of the richest man in Asia, Raj uncle never let it affects their friendship.

"Don't know ask this stupid son of mine"

"That's why I always stop both of them spending their time together. I knew something like this would happen. I am not letting Disha meet vihaan till they are both married"

"WHAT. THE. You can't do this." Vihaan suddenly shouts.

"I will and watch me doing it son" dad also stands up.

"And you can't stop me from meeting her.......All this is happening just because we both are not married? Am I right or not?"

"Yes that is what I was telling you from the start. In India unmarried couple even though they are engaged can't be seen like that" Raj uncle replies.

"Then it's final. Tell media that after one month we are getting married. Problem solved" vihaan says like he has solved the biggest problem in this world.

"That doesn't gives the solution of this problem and one month is very less time" Raj uncle replies in a duh tone. While all this conversation is happening mom, me and Suman aunty are just standing listening to them like a audience.

"Give them some fake proof that mom or anyone of you were inside and we were just talking......"vihaan takes a break and drinks water and continues "....... And the car was tinted so they are not confirmed that me and Disha were the only people present in the car."

"We don't have any other option except this, now do we?" Raj uncle mumbles with a sarcasm. Vihaan just rolls his eyes.

"And just announce about our marriage date so that they will get distracted. I am sure they will be more interested to publish the date of marriage of the one and only heir of Malhotra's" vihaan says with a small smile.

Marriage. I will get married in few months but I wanted it at the age of 22 or 23. Won't it be pretty early to get married at just the age 19 years......no 20 years as I will turn into 20 in few days. Let's not think about it now.

"No not today. We will just tell them that we are going to give them a big news on 11th November which is of course our disha's birthday ....." Raj turns his head towards me making everyone's head turns towards me and my head turns towards floor "......which we would be celebrating magnificently as you are here this year."

"But Raj don't you think that it would be to early for them to get married specially for Disha as she is just 20 still in college." That's my dad.

I eye Raj uncle waiting for his reply. "Mahesh marriage will not hinder her studies and as for this early marriage I think it should be done because something like this can happen again and I am me as well as you don't want that." Dad nods in understanding. But why is not anyone asking me? I am the one who is getting married.

"So done with everything now I will be going" vihaan says and stretches his body like he has done a very hard work.

Seeing that he is making his way to the door I again drop my head down still not able to digest the whole ordeal. I was so happy today and now this.

Toxic loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora