'I know, I'm dreading telling your Dad more than anyone else to be honest. I just hope the fans forgive me and can see where I'm coming from. I can't even imagine playing against Villa in the future' she could see it was getting to him.

'Has there been a dedicated support line set up for Villa fans yet?'

He half smiled, but he didn't laugh like she'd expected him to.

'Okay, there's something else you're not telling me' 

'Apparently it's all blown up in the media about me going to City, so when we get back it's going to be insane. There's villa fans who're calling me a snake and all sorts. I'm just scared I'm not doing the right thing. When I was so worried about you being in hospital it took my mind off it, but now we're getting ready to leave and go back, my anxiety is going crazy' Everyone looked at Jack and assumed he was confident, but she knew the truth, he was just as vulnerable as anyone else.

'I'll be there with you. Every step of the way, I promise' she kissed him and held him tight.

'Thanks Aims. I honestly don't know what I'd without you'

'Let's just make sure you don't ever have to find out again' she said kissing him again.


Amy had text Brad to arrange for the three of them to meet, and by text he had seemed okay, but when she saw him, he still looked terrible. Whilst she gave him a warm hug, Jack stood behind her like a naughty little schoolboy waiting to apologise to someone he really hated. Amy was quietly impressed when Jack extended a hand out to Brad, Brad looked equally shocked as he shook it. He'd never imagined that he'd be doing that with Jack. The click he still had in his jaw was testament to that.

'We just wanted to come and see you to apologise for not believing you when you said it wasn't you. Didn't we Jack?' She asked, prompting Jack who would have happily stayed silent.

'Yeah we did' he swallowed, this wasn't easy for him today. 'Look, I really am sorry for jumping to conclusions about you. I'm just so protective over our Aims that it was hard to think straight'

'I appreciate that' said Brad graciously. 'But in your shoes I'd have been the exact same, I don't blame you for it. It's just killing me that it was my best mate. We were mates from school, you know. I've heard his bullshit excuse and it makes no sense to me, drunk or sober'

'I know, I was so confused by his logic' Amy shook her head. She would never get her head around it.

'How's it been for you since everyone found out it was him?' Asked Jack. 'We saw you were getting torn a new one before that'

'Still not great. People are still holding me guilty by association and I've lost most of my work through it. The worst thing is my nan's devastated by it all' Amy knew how much his Nan meant to him. It wasn't fair for an older woman to be going through it all.

'Your poor nan, I wish there was something I could do to help' Amy sighed, trying to think.

'Why don't we take a picture together and post it online with us thanking Brad for helping to save your life. If it wasn't for him being with you, who knows what could have happened' Jack suggested.

'What do you think?' Asked Amy, touched by the fact that Jack actually cared enough to help him.

'I mean, what harm can it do?' Brad shrugged, with a hint of a smile, the first she'd seen since they'd been with him.

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