______ just looked at him then the time.

"Hey also my dad told me to tell you he apologizes for what he said a week ago, what did he say?? He wouldn't tell me." Chino asked looking at her.

She shook her head. "Don't worry about it."

"But I have to..if I'm gonna be your boyfriend I should make sure it's nothing bad, I need my girlfriend and dad liking eachother you know!" Chino said smiling purely as the waiter put the plate down infront of him.

"It's..fine" ____ said as he sighed.

He pushed the plate between them. "Well you haven't ate anything since you got here at least take half of it" Chino said.

She just looked at him hesitant but then a chair got pulled over and a hand grabbed the turkey sandwich.

Katsuki sat down and took a bite of the sandwich as he looked at Chino.

"What a surprise. Nice seeing you two here." Katsuki said.

______ looked at him a smile on her face as Chino just stays silent.

"Oh Dynamight. What are you doing here??" He asked.

"I was in the neighborhood and saw you two. You don't mind if I join right?" Katsuki asked as he took another bite.

Chino looked at _____ for an answer.

"I'm fine with it." She said.

Chino then nods. "Ya sure..but we're gonna go out lat-"

"Perfect I'm free." Katsuki says.

_____ smiled looking away loving this already.

Chino sighed feeling defeated since he didn't seem to budge.

They finished up eating but before they could leave _____ got up to go to the bathroom.

Chino took this time to talk to Katsuki.

"Hey Dynamight..I don't know if you realized but _____ and I are kinda on a date..can you give us time alone?" Chino asked trying to be nice as possible.

Katsuki just looked at him. "This was a date?"


"That's stupid. She doesn't look like she's enjoying herself at all. This isn't a date smartass"

"What? But it is! I just don't know what to do to make her more into me! I offered to take her to the carnival today and win her prizes..do you think that'll help?" Chino asked Katsuki.

"You can't tell her what you're planning on doing idiot. Just take her and let her enjoy herself."

"She hardly smiles or talks..its easier to talk to her when you're here..can you come with us? You can be like my wing man! Tell me everything I should do to make her like me!" Chino said eagerly.

"Why the fuck would I do that?" Katsuki asked glaring.

"Please Dynamight! I really like her but I don't think she likes me back.."

She doesn't. She likes me....

"You know what.. ya I'll help." Katsuki said.

"Really!? Thank you!"

Help..keep you away from her.

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