32: Wanted Closure

Start from the beginning

"Doesn't he want this all to end?" Chan asked, "I thought he wanted to end this, not walk away from it now that we're close?"

"That's what Jaehyun and I thought," Johnny said, "but if ever Jisung makes his decision, I hope you all will continue forward and go on with the future plans."

"Where would Jisung be hiding then, if ever he decides to leave?" Chan asked, he really doesn't like anyone leaving the team, not now that they've gotten so far.

"He'll most probably be in the care of Felix's family, which is the next stop," Johnny said, standing up, "have faith, Chan, you never know, maybe Jisung will stay in the end."

"What if something bad happens when he gets separated from the team?" Chan asked, starting to worry and slightly overthink, "He can really be driven by his emotions most of the time, I don't want him wondering off."

"We'll see to it that Jisung will be fine on his own." With that, Johnny took his leave, having Chan alone in the gaming room.


Hannah laughed with joy as she talked with Changbin and Minho, the three exchanging embarrassing moments that Chan had in their presence, the others listening and laughing at the stories they told. Felix can hear everyone from the kitchen, he was helping Mrs. Bang in baking a chocolate cake, making the batter as he listened to the conversation at the kitchen.

"I could have let the villa androids assist," Mrs. Bang mused, "but when you said that you know how to bake, why I couldn't let this opportunity slip to get to know you better, dear," she added with a warm smile.

"I'm glad that I could help, Mrs. Bang," Felix sheepishly said, then Mrs. Bang took the batter to put it on the pan.

"I know that Chan means well with all the commotion in our home country," the woman said, placing at the batter in the pan and opening the oven, "Chan was always the son I know that would resist to anything that goes against his freedom, I always thought he was selfish," the woman sighed as she started cleaning up the kitchen counter, Felix instantly helping, "but seems to me, he is the most selfless person in the room," she finalized, seeing Chan arrive and greet everyone in the living space.

"He is selfless," Felix said with a fond smile as Chan and he had eye contact, "For some reason, he helped me get a job, even though it was risky, it was enough to earn money and give it to my family."

"He always means well, Felix," Mr. Bang said, coming from the back door.

"Ah, honey," Mrs. Bang exclaimed in slight surprise, taking off her apron, "I was talking to Felix about how Chan behaved when he lived with us."

Felix bowed at the man politely before removing his own apron. The man looked him up and down, as if he was in search of something. 

"How about we both have a chat, Felix?" The man said, going to get an apron and calling an android to assist him. "Please, sit." The man said, gesturing Felix on the chairs by the bar area attached to the kitchen, the lad instantly taking his seat and making himself comfortable.

"How old are you, son?" The man said, getting a knife to start slicing the ingredients for the dish he was preparing.

"I'm turning twenty-two this September," Felix answered.

"I presume that you aren't attending school," the man said, looking up at Felix for a brief second before resuming to slice some ingredients, "I heard from Johnny that you were keeping your family alive ever since you moved to South Korea from Australia, your status dropped dismally and that the only one attending school as of the moment is your younger sister."

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