Chapter Eighteen

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Last Chapter! I couldn't thank you all enough for all the kindness and support!


Time Skip: The next morning

I wake up to a light breeze brushing my hair into my face. It appears everyone is already awake. They are sitting below the hill on rocks, talking.

Inside my nose feels dry, along with my eyes. Then I remember. I remember last night. It almost seems like a dream but when I look around I don't see Minho. My heart aches. I would do anything to have him here. I don't care if he's picking on Newt and I. Or making inappropriate comments. Or being his sarcastic and sassy self.
I smile at the memories. But it quickly turns into a frown.

All of this wouldn't of happened if it wasn't for Teresa. How could she betray her own friends! Then she goes along and says we're sisters? That can't be true. I mean, there's is no way in hell I'll believe that. The girl's cracked in the head anyhow.

I decide to go and talk with the rest of the group. They are probably trying to figure out what to do next. The entire camp is destroyed and a majority of the kids were taken.

"Well what do we do now?" Harriet asks as I arrive. The crisp morning breeze trickles my neck as I pull my jacket closer to my body and sit closely beside Newt on a rock. I really need my best friend right now.

"Well we pick up what's left of us," Vince sighs. "Stick to the plan. We get you kids to the safe haven. And then we starts over, I guess."

Thomas stands up and straps his bag around him. "I'm not going with you." He says quietly.

We all pause and gaze at him. I'm sure everyone is feeling as shocked and confused as I am.

"What...?" Vince asks. The look on his face couldn't be more readable.

Thomas adjusts his backpack nervously. "I made a promise to Minho. I wouldn't leave him behind. I have to go after him."

"Hey kid, look around you," Vince replies a bit sternly. His voice nearly echoes in how quiet it is. "All right? WICKED just kicked our ass. You think about where you're headed."

Newt places a hand on my shoulder before standing up and walking towards Tommy.

"I'm not asking anyone to come with me," Thomas says calmly.

"Thomas listen to me," Newt whispers. His voice is so quiet it's almost inaudible. "I've known Minho for as— well for as long as I can remember..."

I walk over and stand next to Frypan, watching Newt speak.

"...So if there was any way that we could help him... trust me. I would be up there standing next to you. This what your taking about... is impossible."

I lay my eyes at my feet.

"More like suicide."

I look up and see Jorge standing near us, along with Brenda.

Thomas tilts his head. "Maybe... but I know what I'm supposed to do now. It's not just about Minho— it's about all of us. It's about everyone WICKED's ever taken, everyone they will take...They'll never stop."

He shakes his head. "They'll never stop. So— I'm gonna stop them."

We all stare at Thomas, waiting for what he'll say next. I feel I hand on my shoulder so I glance over and see Frypan. I smile. Newt stands close beside me. I take his hand.

"...I'm gonna kill Ava Paige."

My eyes widen at his words, I wasn't really expecting them. But I can't help maintain a small smile from forming.

"I have to admit..." we all turn to Harriet. "I'd like some revenge." It's not just Minho who we need to save, but also Aris and Sonya, and all the other kids.

"Well that was a good speech, kid," Vince says.

"So what's your plan?"

End of Book 2

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