Chapter Five

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"We gotta go. We gotta go RIGHT NOW!"

I climb down from my bunk, and stand still a moment and let the dizziness go away.

"Thomas!" Frypan yells to grab his attention.

Thomas frantically rushes around the room.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" Minho says.

"What do you mean we gotta go?!" Newt says.

"We gotta go we gotta go now!" He rushes over to his bed and rips the sheets off. "THEY'RE COMING FOR US!"

He starts wrapping the sheets around the door handles and I stare in shock. Everyone is freaking out, because Thomas won't tell us what the hell is going on!

"What happened in there!" Minho shouts.

When he doesn't answer, we turn to Aris, who is just standing there looking shell shocked.

"Aris what happened!?!" Frypan shouts. Aris just shakes his head ever so gently.

"Thomas would you just calm down and talk to us!!" Newt scolds.

"She's still alive," Thomas says frantically while still tying the sheets tightly to the handles.

"Who'd you see?? Teresa?" Fry asks.



He doesn't answer.

"Would you just turn around and talk to us?!" I scream.

"IT'S WICKED!" He turns around and yells, shutting everyone up.

We all stare at him, shocked and confused.

"It's still WICKED."

"It's always been WICKED!"

He walks over to his bunk and pulls out the mattress, then presses it against the door.

Newt approaches him and places his hand on the wall next to the door. "Thomas," he says calmer. "What did you see."


"Come on, come on!" Thomas says as we crawl out of the vents.

"You guys go ahead," Aris says. "There's something I gotta do."

"What are you talking about?" I ask concerned for my new friend.

"Trust me, it's important. You guys wanna get outta here, right? Just go."

"I'll go with him," Winston volunteers. I nod.

"Alright, Winston," Thomas says. "Come on, let's get outta here."

We start running down the hallway. Or for me and Newt- limping.

"Ya sure we can trust this kid?" Minho asks while we run.

"You don't wanna know where we'd be without him," Thomas replies.

"SHIT!" I say as we come to a stop.

Dr. Crawford.

"Shit shit shit," I mumble.

She gives us "a look." "What are you kids doing out?"

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