Chapter Seventeen

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I'm super sorry for the late update and keeping you all waiting. Time just got away from me I guess. :(

"What's going on!?" Newt calls out as he quickly rises from the large boulder.
My eyes widened with fear and I can hear the helicopter noise growing closer by each growing second.

"Up there!" Minho gestures his hand into the darkening sky.

Now this was no helicopter. In fact, even if it was, who would be the ones to own this helicopter? In a world this scorched it would be no other than—

"WICKED...?" Frypan nearly whispers, taking the words right out of my mouth.

I shake my head in denial, even though deep down I know the truth. "It can't be..." I sense the heat rising in my body, replacing the bitter coldness I was feeling seconds ago. Anger and frustration is what I feel as I watch the ship lower towards the ground, knowing that nothing I do will be able to stop WICKED one bit.

"DUCK!" Newt's distinct voice startles me as I'm pulled to the ground. The next thing I know a flaming missile has exploded on the ground not to far away from us. I look into the sky and see two helicopters along with the large ship. Where the hell did they come from?!

"COME ON!" Minho screeches over the loudness. I come to realize it was him who pulled me over. Minho and I are sitting beside another boulder with our shoulders pressed against each other. Fog covers the air and Frypan and Newt are completely out of my sight.

Panic completely takes over me. "NEWT! FRYPAN!" I shout with all my might it hurts my head.

"Teddy!" I feel a hand on my other shoulder and quickly cock my head over to see Frypan and Newt beside him.

I sign in relief while pulling them both in a hug. "You scared the shit outta me!"

"GUYS! Now's not the time!" Minho mentions. "We need to get outta here!" I follow his gaze at the burning mess caused from the explosive, watching it slowly spread closer to us.

"Fuck he's right!" I exclaim. "Come on! We need to find the others!"

Minho stands up first and guides us through the smoke. I cover my nose and mouth with my jacket, but there's nothing to protect my already irritated eyes. Every few steps I check back and make sure that Newt and Minho are behind me.

"Watch your step!" Minho calls out to us. Rocks and dirt crumble down the hill as we run to the bottom. I can feel the ground vibrating with other explosions in the distance. Screams and shouts surround us, along with the gunshots and helicopter noises.

Once we reach the bottom of the hill I frantically look around for Thomas, Teresa Jorge— literally just anyone. I need to know everyone's safe.

"THOMAS!" I shout, praying for an answer.

"We don't have time to just stand here!" Minho speaks up. "Let's just go!"

He takes off and the rest of us follow shortly behind him. I try my best to avoid getting blown up or shot, but it's harder than it looks. Everywhere I look is being blown to bits it seems like.

As I'm turning a corner, someone runs directly into me. I screech not only in surprise but in fear. As we both scramble to our feet I realize it's the doctor from earlier.

"Oh thank god!" I exclaim, putting a hand on my chest to calm down my pacing heart.

"Sorry about that— Teddy...? Was it?" She dusts off my shoulders.

"In the flesh!" We start jogging away. "Mary, right?" I distinctly remember hearing her be called that.

"That's me—"

Since We Were Kids // In the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now