Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry this wasn't up sooner, I was feeling unmotivated. But hey! I'm back :))

Teddy's POV

"...Newt..." I whisper. It strains my voice to talk, and pounds my head.

I suddenly see him in my view and it relieves me. Still, I have no idea where I am. The thing that freaks me out the most is that I remember everything that happened until the point where I blacked out. I couldn't even control myself. I don't really remember it in the moment but more as a dream. Well, maybe it was a dream? ... God I hope so.
But if it wasn't... I kissed Newt. My best friend. And I'm not even bothered by the fact because whether or not it was real, I liked it.

My heart races as I reply the image of us. Maybe Minho was right. Do I really like Newt that way?

Newt swiftly walks over to me and kneels beside the sofa I'm laying on. I blink away the dizziness in my vision to see him clearly. It's almost impossible for me to read his facial expression. "Hey," he whispers as he grasps my hand softly. "You alright?"

A soft smile spreads on my face and my stomach does flips. Newt always makes everything better. "I will be," my voice startles me when it comes out gravelly.

He nods his head, yet a worried expression plastered on.

"What's the matter?" I croak out.

He shakes his head and puts on a smile. "Nothing," he swallows sharply. "Just glad you're okay."

"Newt," I whisper, my voice still hoarse. I'm beginning to get the feeling it wasn't a dream.

"...yeah?" He frowns.

I look at the ceiling and open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

"You can tell me anything, you know," he whispers kindly.

I smile but it quickly fades. "I know what I did."

He doesn't say anything.

"I wasn't just dreaming, was I," I scoff, continuing.

He shakes his head softly. "Teddy—"

"No, Newt," I interrupt him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I'm sorry if this makes things stupidly awkward between us." I say with all honesty.

I gaze into his dark chocolate eyes as he begins to speak. "Don't apologize, Teddy. You— you were out of your right mind," he hesitates before continuing. "It didn't mean anything." He stutters. His voice sounds so apologetic yet so disappointed in a way.

I know he's being honest, (he always is with me) but I observe his eyes for something more. I find it hard to believe "it didn't mean anything" to him because, i think it did to me.

Newt chuckles. "What're you looking for?" I feel my cheeks burn up. I almost forgot I was starring in his eyes.

I smile faintly, glance away and shake my head. "It all felt like a dream. Scary."

"I know," he answers quietly. Newt rubs circles on my hand. I nearly forgot he was holding it.

"Where are we anyhow...?" I say while looking around the unfamiliar room. Newt release the grip on my hand as I sit up. I see my friends spread around throughout the room.

"Just above the party," Newt simply answers. "Hear that?" I listen quietly and hear loud thumps and vibrations coming from the floor below us.

"Wow damn," I say in shock of how loud it is.

Newt nods. "Yeah, crazy down there, right?"

I chuckle. "Guess so."

My attention follows to Jorge, who is on the far side of the room. A man sits tied in a chair, blood seeping from his brutal looking face. Not to mention the creepy ass smirk on his face, it gives me chills honestly. It makes me feel so oblivious that I didn't notice Jorge's yelling and aggression. I was so caught up with Newt.
Jorge looks like he is having the time of his life, from the way he slaps the man's face flawlessly and effortlessly to the way he spats in his face. Jorge is fearless, that's for sure. Brenda seems that way as well. Maybe that's where she gets it from. 

"So um- what's going on over there...?" I gesture toward Jorge.

I move my legs so Newt can sit beside me. "Welp, that's Marcus apparently."

"Ah the famous Marcus," I say in a sarcastic tone. Newt chuckles as he sits down beside me.

I glance my tired eyes to my friends. Some are facing the other way, so they haven't really noticed me yet.

Frypan happens to look in my direction, then does a double take seeing that I'm awake. His face lights up and so does mine. "Hey! Teddy's up!" He tells Minho, Teresa, Brenda and Aris. They smile walking towards us. Newt helps me stand up, though I'm quite wobbly.

I give Frypan a big hug. Then Minho. Then Teresa. Aris and Brenda I'm not too close with yet, so I just smiled at them.

"Dang, Teddy," Minho starts. "I hope you know you made my whole entire year."

"And why's that, Minho," I chuckle as I use Newt's shoulder for support.

"I've been waiting for you to kiss since as long as I can remember. Literally!"

I rub my free hold on the back of my neck. Before I can say anything Minho continues.

"Ever since I came in the box I shipped you two—"

"Minho! She was drunk—"

Minho interrupts Newt. "And then I watch you two make out! Day. Made." Minho chuckles with that smirk on his face. "No wait— Year. Made. Actually wait— Life. Made. Aha! Now I can live happily ever after knowing—"

"Minho!" I raise my voice to shut him up. "I was dr—"

"But you still kissed him," Minho smirks.

I glance away, thinking of what to say. "Yeah but—"

He laughs. "I know what you're gonna say. 'I was drunk! It was only a kiss!'" He mocks me. "Bullshit!"

"You slinthead—" I muttered. I release my grip on Newt, not realizing how tight it was. I go in to punch Minho, (obviously play fighting, I never would hurt him) but Newt grabs my waist before I can reach him.

"GUYS!" He raises his voice as he slightly releases his grip on me. "Drop it already. Just forget it, alright. Please."

Sometimes I can't understand Newt. I get the impression that maybe he wanted to kiss me. Occasionally his voice can say it all. This time it sounds almost disappointed, like moments earlier. Could he have wanted to kiss me? I think back to our kiss. He didn't pull away. I definitely didn't pull away. Though I can recall some of the things I said.

I question everything about Newt and I.

I bring myself out of my thoughts and look over at Frypan who has a hand on Minho's shoulder, keeping him in place. Minho's smirk has reduced but it's still there. I feel the anger that was once in my cheeks die down a bit.

"Let's just relax," Newt says. I glare at the ground, nodding. My eyes still feel dizzy. I suppose I'll sit down, and watch Jorge torture this man for answers. 


I'll update tomorrow! Sorry for any mistakes or things that make no sense. Lol I'm very tired this week x

Thanks for reading! Luv you guys <3

Since We Were Kids // In the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu