Chapter Ten

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I love reading your comments they honestly make my whole entire day x.

The next day was uneventful. We only took one break and walked the rest of the way. The mountains seemed to be getting closer every steps we took.

Right now the sun has fully set, and the sky is already dark. It surprises me how chilly it's gotten out as well. A hard breeze brushes through my bare neck, making me shiver. It think it might storm any second now— which is another surprise. I put my hands in my jacket pockets and wrap my jacket around my body. Luckily my backpack keeps in some body heat to protect me from the cold.

"It think it might storm," Thomas says to our group. We are walking bundled together for warmth. "I think we should find— wait a minute..."

"Tommy?" Newt questions.

"Look! I see lights!" He exclaims. "We made it!"

I follow his eyes and see lights on the side of the mountains. I was so distracted in my thoughts I didn't even see the lights straight ahead. Just then, a flicker of lightning and grumble of thunder causes us to turn our heads.

I nearly jump out of my skin when I watch it strike the ground.

"...come on... we gotta go!" Thomas says nervously. "Let's go!"

More and more bolts slam on the ground and shake the earth. We run like the wind in the direction of the lights.


"Keep going!"

"Come on!"

I can barely hear my friends over the noises.

We are seconds away from shelter when the impossible happened.

"MINHO!" I yell as I watch lightning strike the ground right beside him. The ground vibrates, causing the electricity to throw all of us to the ground.

Silence fills my ears. I grow in panic when I sit up and see Minho laying lifeless on the ground.

"MINHO!!" I try to yell. I can hear faint noises of my voice, but nothing loud and strong.

I crawl over to him, shaking him. "MINHO COME ON!" Yet again, everything's on mute.

I see my friends gather around me out of the corner of my teared eyes.

"Come on, get him up!" The volume starts to rise and I reckon the voice is Newt's. Everything seems to be happening in slow motion.

Aris pulls me to my feet and the others help Minho up. Lightning bolts light up the entire sky each second. We run as fast as we can to shelter.

Frypan holds a door for us and Teresa, Aris and I run in. "MOVE!" He shouts to the others.

"You alright?!" Aris asks me, catching his breath.

I breath heavily and nod. "Yeah. Thank you."

Frypan closes the door and it's pitch black, but all I'm worrying about right now is Minho.

"Hey set him down," I tell the boys. I feel around for someone, trying to figure out where I am. My shoulder rubs against someone's shoulder, though I'm unable to place who's it is.

"Watch his head," Thomas mentions. "Who's got a light?" He adds.

Suddenly a flashlight flickers on. I realized was Newt right next to me, and he holds the flashlight as well.

Since We Were Kids // In the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now