Chapter Sixteen

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"Hey Teddy," Minho says walking up to me. "We're gonna go take a walk, wanna come?"

"I'll be there in a minute, Minho," I reply. "I wanna go check on Brenda and Thomas."

He nods. "Good that. We'll see ya soon!" And with that he runs off.

I put my bitter hands in my new warm jacket and walk towards the hut Brenda and Thomas are in. Just as I'm about to walk inside, Jorge comes out, startling me.

"Jesus, Jorge!" I exclaim.

He chuckles. "Sorry 'bout that hermana."

"How's she doing?" I ask worriedly.

His smile fades into a smaller one as he shrugs and looks away. "I think she'll be alright," he voice is calm yet saddening.

He pays me on the shoulder as he walks away. I then walk inside to see Thomas sitting beside Brenda on a cot.

I knock lightly on the wood post before calmly saying, "Hey."

Thomas looks up from his hands. "Hi," he greets tightly.

I walk over and sit right beside him. "Hi Brenda." I squeeze her hand.

"Hey Teddy," she mumbles.

I notice her fiddling with something in her hand. "Whatcha got there?" I inquired, glancing at the small paper in her hand.

She looks at me with a small smile and puts the piece of paper in my hand. I'm skeptical before looking at it, but I continue. I flip it over to reveal an old photo. As soon as I see it I recognize the boy immediately. I sense my heart race extremely faster by the second.

"He was my brother," she says. "His name was George..."

And then it all comes flooding back.


"Bloody hell Minho what happened!?" Newt said. Minho just starred at him out of breath. I tried to comprehend the situation but it felt too unreal.

George was a mess. He squirmed on the ground, his muscles clenched as if they'd been permanently locked that way, cramped up and tight. His eyes bulged; his lips pressed together in a pale line; the skin of his face looked as if it had been ripped off, boiled, then stapled back on.

"Minho!" Newt shouted this time, panic taking over him, "What is wrong with him?!"

Nick went over and knelt beside him, trying not to get to close. "George?" He said softly.

"It was a griever," Minho managed to say in shock.

We knew there were monsters in the Maze, because at night we could here them. We called them Grievers, even though we didn't know anything about them. And we've managed to keep to ourselves for the past 14 months since Alby arrived.

"What!?" Alby said in pure shock. "Minho, what did it do to him!?"

"I- I don't even know! We were running and spotted a dead one laying on the ground. At least we thought it was dead," Minho stated. "All's he did was poke it with his toe! It snatched him right up and stung him or somthin. So we all took our knives and sliced that shuckin monster!"

Since We Were Kids // In the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum