Chapter Two

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Ratman leads us down a long hallway, guiding us to bathroom and such. When we finally arrive there I leave Newt's side and walk with Teresa.

When enter the bathroom complex two piles of clothes are nicely folded on a bench. Towels and other supplies lay on a shelf. There are rows of showers, sinks, changing rooms with curtains, and toilet stalls.

I wander around first, admiring the new surroundings. "I've never seen a bathroom this clean before," I say adoringly.

Teresa chuckles. "You and me both."

"I'm gonna take a shower," I say while grabbing a towel.

"Yeah... same here. I feel so dirty."


"You really think we can trust this place?" Teresa asks from the next shower over.

I shrug, even though she can't see me. "I was gonna ask you the same thing."

None of us talk for a while, just enjoying the silence and warm water. I watch the drain as blood drips down my body into it. I run my fingers through my hair, and shake my head trying to clear all my brutal thoughts.

Sure we made it out of the Maze, but at what cost?

Once I hear Teresa turn her shower off I decide I'm done, too. I reach for my towel dry my body in the shower, and then wrap it around my body tightly. Stepping out I see Teresa in her towel walk into a changing stall with a pile of clothes. Before I get my clothes, I notice the mirrors.

I had just realized that- I've never seen what I look like! Well I mean, only in reflections, but there was no mirrors in the Glade. I walk towards it and lean over the sink.

My bright blue eyes stood out the most, along with a few freckles scattered along my cheeks. It feels like I'm a whole new person. A total stranger.

"Teresa!" I say.

"Everything okay?"

"Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror. I haven't. Not until right now I didn't know what I looked like," I tell her.

"Well- wait you're right i haven't either."

I grab my pile of clothes and go get dressed. When i come out with my fresh outfit on, I notice Teresa in the mirror this time. I lean across the counter next to her.

"Wait a damn minute," she says.

"What?" I chuckle.

"We look awfully similar." I study both our faces in the mirror, in shock.

"Wow- we do! That's hella weird."

"Well um- we should find the boys," she says.

"Good that."


Before we even have a chance to look for our friends, a women introduced as Dr. Crawford comes over and tells us to follow her. We do as we're told, a bit skeptical.

As we enter a large room, I immediately see Minho running on a treadmill, then soon all our friends. I sigh in relief, knowing their okay. She guides us down and we pass Newt. I notice a man holding a needle at his arm, about to inject it. I can see the worried look on Newt's face.

"Hey!" I say, smacking it out of his arm. "What the hell are you giving him?!"

Dr. Crawford quickly rushes and grabs my arms.

"Calm down!" She says.

"It's just vitamins," The man says while picking up the fallen needle. "You've all been deprived out there."

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