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Mark kept him close until his tears died down. He put Donghyuck back who immediately fell asleep as soon as he sat on the passenger's seat. They finally pulled over and he unbuckled both their seatbelts, then he shook the younger up but he only earned a whimper.

"What a baby." He giggled. He figured out he has to carry Donghyuck to his room since the younger is already in deep sleep.

He was light, not much of a problem for Mark. Donghyuck instinctively wrapped an arm around Mark's nape buried his face on the crook of his neck. The warmth Mark gives was enough for Donghyuck that he doesn't even need a bed, just Mark.

"Are we home already?" Donghyuck asked in a sleepy voice and Mark found it very adorable. Sleepy Donghyuck and his small voice were making way inside his heart.

"Yes." Mark replied and set the younger on the ground but still holding him by the waist while the younger also leans in his chest.

"Where are your keys?"

"Can I sleep with you?"

Mark chokes on his spit. His face were flushed red. "No. Donghyuck you have your own room." He said while opening his door wide.

Donghyuck was quick to run inside Mark's dorm and jump on his bed, making the other sigh in defeat.

"Donghyuck..." He warns. Donghyuck still didn't listen, he just kicked his shoe and socks off, then his jacket, then grabbed Mark's pillow to put it under his legs.

"Oh my god. You're still so stubborn." He grits and storms over the younger.

Donghyuck is so cute like this, sleeping and snuggling on his bed but at the same time, so inviting. This is why Mark hated being in the same room with Donghyuck. He can't look at Donghyuck's body without thinking about inappropriate things.

"Donghyuck please?" He said in a pleading voice. He already sat beside Donghyuck to wake him up.

Donghyuck flutters his eyes open, Mark noticed that he's about to cry again. Donghyuck just wanted a company for tonight but it seems like Mark is really eager to send him away. He huffs and sat up, only to pull Mark with him and lay on his chest.


Mark sighs and threaded his fingers on Donghyuck's smooth hair. He just hoped and prayed to at least not get a boner.

He has never been attracted to a boy and his attraction just won't stop just like how it would when he's attracted to a girl. Donghyuck isn't even wearing provocative clothes and yet he's seeing lewd things. He hates himself for it. Donghyuck doesn't deserve to be sexualized. Donghyuck deserves to be loved and respected.

"Donghyuck, I'll be honest again. It's hard for me to control myself, especially that you're here lying on me. Believe me, I'd rather not see you like this because you're Haechan but hell... you're so tempting."

Donghyuck was wide awake now. He lifts his head and rest it on the older's chest. He was not astounded by it anymore since Mark is vocal about it since then but right now, he just want Mark to give in.

Instead of answering he wrapped his arms around Mark's neck and kissed him without warnings. Mark gasped but after seconds, he was already kissing back. He rests his hands on the younger's waist to pull him up to meet his face.

Donghyuck rests his legs on both sides of Mark, then slowly grinding on him, purposely placing his ass right on Mark's crotch. He himself was turned on as well.

"Fuck. Let's stop." Mark breathes out and pushed Donghyuck softly.

He rose on his feet to grab glass of water. He was already sweating so much because he was already feeling hot inside. His lust was slowly overcoming him and he just can't let that happen.

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