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To think that Donghyuck could forget just by staying at his home crying was a good joke. He can't. Right this moment he was belittling himself too much.

Mark's probably right, I'm burnt. Jeno doesn't want me anymore. Mark said I'm a brat, Jeno hates me for it. I'm not independent just like Dad wants me to be, Jeno doesn't like dependent boys. I even failed math, that means I'm stupid.

He cries his heart out until he couldn't anymore.

Jaemin is sweet. He's pretty. He's smart. It's not hard to fall inlove with him. Jeno found a gem. He shouldn't let go of it. He should treat it properly. As well as Jaemin, he found a gold. He shouldn't sell it.

Jeno is kind and understanding. He's loveable. He's handsome and bulky. He's everything Donghyuck dreamed of.

Jaemin and Jeno are a perfect pair.

Donghyuck started to realize how his and Jeno's relationship really wasn't meant to be. They fought with lots of things, but they still end up good. However, their relationship didn't.

He sobs. He needs alcohol. He needs to forget these. He needs a moment to forget Jeno and everything about him and their relationship.

Mark chuckles as Mina tries cutely to let her pay. Mark was sure a gentleman, he can't just watch a girl pay for both their dinner. He lifts up his card, paying the waiter even before Mina could pay with bills.

"I told you I'll pay for it!" She pouts, Mark remembered specific someone with it. "I invited you over for a dinner, I should be the one paying it."

"I can't bear to watch a girl pay for my dinner when I'm well and has loads of money in my pocket." He laughs. "How about you treat me for ice cream?" He raises a brow, smirking at Mina.

The lady blushed hard. Is this another way of asking her on a round two date? Because she's going crazy over it.

"Well, let's go?"

Donghyuck kicks the poor rock that's lying on the streets. He just bought a case of soju and he finished drinking half of it at the store before the owner kindly lets him go away so that he could close it.

At this point he realized, soju can't remove the memories. Should he just let himself drown? How about car accident? Should he just pull a rock and throw it over his head? It will hurt by then but atleast there's a possibility to remove memories. Just a temporary amnesia, just until he could move on. Move on from his ex who already has someone else.

"Fuck this. I still love you Jeno." He cries and crouched on the floor, not minding how dirty it was. He just want this pain to stop. How could he possibly do that?

He stood up after a good thirty minutes of crying and sobbing before walking down to where he belongs. His dorm. He should finish drinking all these, or else he has to remember Jeno again.

If drinking all of the soju in the whole world would make him forget about the pain then he would. Even if it would cause him hangover, puking or any other physical pain because he can take it.

What he can't take was the thought that Jeno was fine without him already while he was still struggling over the past and how should he move on.

Mina walks down from Mark's car. She was smiling too much that her cheeks hurt. Mark felt happy as well.

"Thank you for tonight Mark."

The man giggled and placed a hand on Mina's shoulders before pecking her cheeks. The act made Mina shout in her head and squirm in actual.

"Thank you Mina." He said before ruffling her hair and storming on his car to start it.

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