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A month happened again and Donghyuck has never talked to Mark despite seeing him almost everyday. Mark says hi and tells him good morning but the younger only replies a curt nod or a fake smile, finding no reason to greet him back.

College was sure hell for Donghyuck. He's just not used to this new environment of Colleges. During high school he could slack off and not listen to the teacher and still pass but now it doesn't work the same way. Donghyuck truly regretted not excercising his time management skills before, now he has an issue over passing requirements late.

He was informed that he was about to fail one class, luckily he sent the late project just before the professor could write down his grades. It's not like he failed because he didn't do things right, it's just too hard. If he were to enumerate the subjects he liked, Math would be nowhere.

His parents did not fail to hear this. The professor called them just before Donghyuck passed the project, they knew that Donghyuck was about to fail and all they could think of was to scold him and give him a tutor.

Donghyuck sighs loudly. He can take Math alone, although it would be a mess like now for sure. He just don't like the idea of having a tutor. What's there to learn so much about it anyway? He won't use Math if he'd like to work on a bar and dance! He won't use this if he'd like to be a house husband. He groans and clasp his hair in frustration.

Of all people, why did it have to be Mark?

There are lots of people out there who's good at Math but his parents just chose Mark. And he's right here, facing Donghyuck, while holding a book and flipping it for today's subject.

"If it weren't for you failing your Math class, I wouldn't get to talk to you." Mark says while smiling down at Donghyuck.

The younger rolled his eyes. "You see, I didn't fail—"

"You were about to." Mark smirks.

"Fuck you," He grits. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Uh," Mark trails off. "I'm your tutor?"

"You teach children! How could you know things like these? And I don't like having a tutor anyway! Just go and teach toddlers!"

Mark stops what he was doing. He stares at the fuming Donghyuck. He's not so sure about where the younger's anger is coming from that he hates Mark so much and that he has the guts to belittle the older. Donghyuck didn't trust his skills and it was offending. Mark chuckles after a minute of being silent.

"You really think I don't know these things because I teach toddlers? News flash Donghyuck, I also tutor other college students. I'm quite famous for being one and I just turned down one good opportunity just to teach you since your father wanted me to. Now if you stop being a brat and just listen, we'll end early."

Mark composes himself after voicing out his frustrations softly. He was not scaring Donghyuck, he was just pinpointing the facts that could make the younger atleast, soft.

Donghyuck sighs and leans his chin on his knees while hugging them. He does not want a tutor. He's quite smart enough to understand lessons.

Or not.

If he's truly smart, he could've aced math but he was about to fail it.

"I'm sorry. Let's start." He sighs and grabs his pen.

Mark just smiled and let his pencil trail over the problem. He explains it first, then he did an example then he lets Donghyuck answer it.

"Fuck! Why are there letters? Math are supposedly just number!" He huffs ut he was answering the question diligently.

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