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Harleys POV

"So how is this going to work?"

"You bend over. I lube it up. Then slip it in"

"Way to be blunt about it"

She laughs softly then goes on her knees, "Let me get you comfortable"


Perez' POV

He lays there looking dead but I see the wickedness in his dull eyes. "You have the option to tell me the truth now"

"Now that your little partner is gone? How do you know she wasn't the one who tried to hurt me?"

A deep sigh releases from me as I take a step towards him. I feel to give him some fresh wounds, he deserves it. "Tell me something Ben" He looks at me straight on, "Are you still in love with Diana?"

He chuckles dryly but I can see something in his eyes which answers my question. "Is this relevant to the case?"

"No it isn't but I've got my answer. Now, can you tell me anything else that happened before you accident?"

He rolls his eyes but then winces, "My signal went off" It was a mumble but I could hear it. "It was weird. Then my car stopped"

I put this all down in my notepad and nod. "That's enough"


I nod again, "I have all I need" I don't need anything else, we pretty much know everything. If he really had more information then he wouldn't tell. That's why he only gave me this piece of information. I have a feeling he saw his attacker or at least more.

As soon as I turn around, he calls out. "There was a cat following me. A black BMW. It didn't have any plates and they kept driving closer to me. This was by Park Avenue, just before the exit to the place you found me"

"Why were you there?"

"I can't remember that..." I nod and walk out finally. Immediately, I grab my phone and call Sash telling her everything. She tells me to come to her house as she has found something out. I tell one of the detectives to check the CCTV once more for a black BMW.

The drive to Sashas place made me think a lot. This whole thing was planned. Disabling his phone and car signal, then attacking him. I also suspect they are trying to frame Harley due to the recent update. Someone sent in CCTV of Harley and Bens fight. At one point Harley threatens him. It doesn't put a great picture on him as well as her getting people to follow him not long ago.

Before I know it, I'm at her house. When I walk in, all I can hear is arguing and laughing. "We will never speak of this again!" Diana shouts.

Sash looks terrified as she nods rapidly but Aria and Harley burst out laughing. "Did I miss anything?"

"Don't ask!" Diana scolds and storms off to the sofa. Harley looks to be on the verge of tears from laughing as for Kali is actually in real ass tears of laughter.

Aria pats my back, "Let's just say she saw something she can never unsee"

Sasha glares then sits next to Diana but she shuffles away. I take a seat and eventually we're all calm and ready. "So what did you want to tell me?" I ask Sash.

"I got to thinking about everything. Then looked at the case more into depth" She stands up and drags in a large white board. It's filled with images and a lot of writing. "So the anonymous phone call happened at five thirty-three. First responders got there at in exactly twelve minutes. I looked at the cctv and saw the BMW you were talking about on the phone. I called a friend and they looked into it a little faster, the car was at Harleys company. Right outside the parking lot and waiting for Ben"

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