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Jennie was flipping pancakes while the girls were getting ready. Jisoo is the first one out and she heads straight for the fridge and grabs two bottles of strawberry milk. Jennie seeing Jisoo, puts her plate in front of her and serves her pancakes. The maknaes who were bickering about something comes out next and stops their rant midway when they smell pancakes.

"What smells so nice?... ohmigosh unnie are we having pancakes today? " Rosie says happily and beside her is an excited Lisa. They grab plates and they all sit down to have breakfast.

"I woke up early today for some reason and I thought I'd cook us a proper breakfast for once. " Jennie says while munching on some strawberries.

"Are you guys free today evening? I was thinking we'll have movie night today."

"Don't know unnie. We'll have to see how classes go today. But most probably free." Lisa replies to Jisoo while Rosé just nods, too busy enjoying her food to partake in the conversation.

"By the way unnie how is everything going with the play? You seem more relaxed today." Jennie asks Jisoo.

Jisoo in turn sighs in bliss with her eyes closed and says, "We have finally come up with the perfect script, the set is ready and we found a shop which is ready to tailor our costumes. The only thing left now is the audition for the casting. Well after the casting the actual work starts but till then ," she pauses to spread her arms to express her joy, "I'm free. "

"Babe are you forgetting something?" Jennie asks with pity and continues, " You're the president of the drama club...which means you have to sit through the auditions and decide on the casting." Seeing Jisoo's maniac smile, Jennie shakes her head and gasps,"Oh you poor sweet child, all those sleepless nights preparing for the play finally caught upto you didn't it?"

Rosé and Lisa also shakes their head and Rosie somehow squeaks out with a stuffed mouth, "Bitch finally lost her shit."

"Actually, you all will not believe my luck but this time around our seniors will see it through. Jinyoung you godsent little shit... I am so greatfull." Jisoo says while wiping away imaginary tears.

"Jinyoung sunbaenim? As in the former theatre club president? Omg why?" Lisa asks.

"Well him being the angel that he is heard how much we were struggling so he gathered last year's casting committee of our department and asked us to take a break for a few days until the casting is done so we can concentrate on our auditions also. I do have to sit through the casting tho but still they will do most of the work. Speaking of which." She looks at her maknaes and asks, " Any of you hoes planning on auditioning?"

"Yessss unnie, meee!!" Jennie squeals with hand raised. "I even managed to convince Irene to audition."

Jisoo and Jennie do a happy dance. "We'll come to support you guys." Lisa says. "We'll even drag Joy to cheer you guys on unnie.", Rosie adds.

"Wait .. speaking of which, when are you guys auditioning?" Rosé ask.

"I'm auditioning today itself so I can get it over with fast and then I can peacefully rest without any stress.", Jisoo says.

"Oh then unnie me and Irene will also audition today.", Jennie decides.

After they clear out the table, they head out.


Tae and Jungkook were sitting on a table next to the window of a café while Jimin was in line waiting to order their drinks.

"What do you think kook-ah? Should I sign up?", a troubled Taehyung asks Jungkook.

"I don't know hyung... it's up to you. I mean, will you have time for it?" a skeptical Jungkook asks.

"Time for what? " , Jimin asks coming back with their drinks.

"I was thinking of auditioning for this year's play. Auditions are open till the end of this week. ", Taehyung explains.

"All of a sudden?"

"Apparently he wants to try something new.", Jungkook answers Jimin.

" I mean dude, joining a play is no joke. You have to put in a shit ton of effort. You have to dedicate a lot of time and energy. But I guess if you really want to you can. " Jimin says.

"Well dude I'm just auditioning, it's not like I'm gonna get the part. Eunwoo was ranting about all the preparations their department was doing for this play and I got interested. "

"Oh yeah, I heard that too. The theatre kids are no joke. Eunwoo was telling me their club president scraped the script atlest four times. " Jungkook added.

"Wait dude you guys wanna audition with me?" Taehyung suddenly asks excitedly with a boxy smile.

"Bitch no thank you. I have football practice later today.",Jungkook says to which Tae replies without blinking, " We can go tomorrow." "Hyunggg I can't, coach is already going hard on us I can't join the play too." Jungkook whines.

Taehyung rolls his eyes and looks at Jimin with pleading eyes , "Jimin-ah what about you?" He adds a pout for good measure.

"I guess?" Jimin replies already regretting his decision.

Taehyung transforms into a 5 yr old hearing that and claps his hands with a boxy smile, lightly bouncing on his seat then turns to glare at Jungkook and says, "You little shit next time you come asking me for something I'll whoop your ass."

"Hyunggg that's so petty. I have a good reason why I can't audition."

"I don't want to hear your excuses." He replies with sass, stands up and while turning away from Jungkook adds , " Talk to the taebooty bitch." and walks away leaving a dumfounded kookie and a giggling Jimin.

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