Outro: Great, Now I'm In Love With The Assbutt

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I mean, it did end up in us getting together, so how bad could it really have been?

"I don't think-" He switched off the bright camping lantern, leaving only the dull fairy lights on, "-that we have to worry about this."

"Are you saying my work isn't popular enough to be discovered by outsiders, dickhead?" I swished around offended, until two arms wrapped around me to hold me still.

"I'm saying that if we keep our mouths shut she won't ever find out." He whispered very closely to my ear.

We were like caught in this cheesy little bubble of pillows, blankets, dull, warm light and the walls of our tent that were being slightly shaken by the wind. There weren't constant car sounds like at home and neither was there any trace of hectic uni life.

Just Jungkook's arms around me and my pathetic ass who was being melted into a useless puddle by his mere proximity.

"Jungkook?" I mumbled after it had been quiet for too long.


"I really, really didn't like you in the beginning."

He hummed, "Can't say I was a fan of you either. Not sure when this changed."

"You made fun of me for being an art major." I said accusingly.

"Back then I wasn't aware of how serious you are about your... work."

"You were so judge-y."

"I was." He agreed.

"And I was an asshole with whom it was impossible to get along with." I kept on going.

"You were." He agreed again, this time earning a kick from me.


"You were supposed to say no!"

"Why should I lie about that!?"

I turned around offended, flicking his forehead once I saw his stupidly stupid grin.

"Why are you offended, Bambi? I still ended up getting along with you, I mean look at us." He explained diplomatically, rearranging his grip around me until he felt more comfortable, our faces only inches away.

He looked soft and comfortable - long locks tugged being his ear so that they wouldn't get in his face, large eyes focused on my face, lips slightly parted. He looked so familiar, yet never boring - like when you come home after a long day of school.

"I think Jee played a big part in us getting along." I whispered, feeling like it was appropriate for the situation, "Or well, at least you stopped running around half naked from then on."

He chuckled, eyes crinkling up in childish glee, "You're saying it as if you didn't enjoy it."

I didn't answer that.

"Plus, I'll admit it was really cute seeing you two play together." Jungkook grinned, hands beginning to wander up and down my sides, sneaking underneath my shirt where they gently rubbed circles into my naked skin.

"He's annoying." I squirmed when he rubbed over a ticklish spot, pinching his arm so that he would stop - of course he didn't, "Jungkook!" I protested.

He laughed, "Serves you right for talking bad about our boy."

Eventually he stopped tickling and went back to gently dragging the tips of his fingers over my sides, faces getting closer and closer until he was placing quick, wet kisses down my neck, "Can I admit something embarrassing, Bambi?" He mumbled close to my ear, mischievous grin evident in his voice.

"Please don't."

"Remember that day you walked in on me jerking off?"

"Oh my god, how could I forget."

"I was thinking about you." He whispered, reducing my brain to a very silly puddle of pink glittery goo.


"Kinda liked that you walked in on me."

"Oh shut up."

He giggled, lips eventually finding mine. We kissed like that for a moment, wind in the trees around us the only sounds besides the smacking of lips.

I felt Jungkook stiffen before he leaned back slightly, "Bambi..., he mumbled.


"-you didn't even let me finish."

"We will not have sex in the garden of my mother's house."

He chuckled, sitting up so that he was sort of sitting on top of me, legs placed on either side of my hips, "You know, I think I read something similar in your manga... I was also in a tent and-"

"Jungkook!" I hit his chest, making him throw his head back in laughter.

"But it was one of my favorite scenes!" He defended cackling.

"Be honest, was this the real reason for why you chose this for a date?"


"Oh my god."

"I also wanted to have dinner with your mom!"

"I hate you."

He wouldn't stop snickering, hands coming up to pin mine on either side of my head wile I glared up at him, contemplating to just knee him in the crotch. Horny fuck.

Ignoring my evident displeasure, he lowered his face to nuzzle my nose, making it kind of really hard to fight back, because come on that's just cute.

Slowly, he pulled my hands higher over my head, taking both of my wrists in one hand while he lowered the other to softly caress my side.

"I love you, Bambi."

Okay, maybe I did have sex in the garden of my mother's house.



Unknown Heroes ◆ JeonJungkook✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon