Ten: Babysitting 101

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Hoseok, the little fucker, was making fun of me and I was NOT having it, "He did it to get back at me. I know it." I rearranged my phone to the other ear while eyeing the playing couple in front of me from my safe place next to the kitchen counter, "When Jee's gone, I'll kill him."

"Woah there, no death threats in front of the child." Hoseok gasped through the speaker, making me roll my eyes.

Jungkook really had had the audacity to bring Jee home to us, of all places. He was having a blast with playing with the little boy in the living room, acting oblivious to my death glares.

"Don't you wanna join us, Noona?" That fucker looked up to me with a wide grin, handful of puzzle pieces scattered in his lap.

I opened my mouth to say something inappropriate, but Jee joined in, "Yeah, Noona! Come and help us!"

"No, Jee I don't think I can help-" I looked into his sparkling eyes, his hopeful smile dropping for a second, and sighed, "Fine, yeah, I'll help." 

"Yay!" Jungkook and Jee made simultaneously, high-fiving each other victoriously as if they were partners in a crime.

"Hobi? I'll call you back, yeah?" 

"Take your time, babe." He hung up.

I glared at my roommate whose shit-eating grin I wanted to punch so very bad right now, before crouching down in front of the undone puzzle, "Well... I don't know why you need my help, this is easy."

Jee's eyes widened, "But it's 200 pieces!"

I shrugged, "It's not hard."

"Y/N..." Jungkook sounded scolding.

"What? Should I pretend that it's harder than it actually is for his sake? C'mon, I wanna get over with this." I let my eyes roam over the pieces for a second, before gathering the ones for the outer corners, "Always gotta start with these, got it?"

Jee nodded eagerly, watching me in fascination.

"And then collect the others with the smooth sides - these are the edge pieces, Jee. They are the most important." I fumbled with said pieces, fitting them together quickly, "This goes there... and this?"

The boy eyed the pieces frantically, wanting to give the right answer, "Uhm- there!"

"Correct." I agreed , ruffling his hair before letting him add the piece.

"You're very good at this, Noona." Jungkook said with a cocked brow and a small grin.

I scowled at him, before taking another piece, "Well, I did this kinda stuff a lot as a child. And stop calling me Noona or I'll K-I-L-L you."

He laughed when I spelled out 'kill' so that Jee wouldn't understand it, his head slumping back while he cackled like a child.

"This uh- here?" Jee asked for my confirmation, making me nod.

I sat back a little, watching the kid do his thing, Jungkook occasionally stepping in to help.

"As a kid I would get very bad asthma attacks quickly, so my parents kinda didn't like it when I was going outside and, like, doing a lot of moving and stuff." I had no idea why I was telling him that all of a sudden, but he didn't object so I just kept going, "It was fine by me, I didn't really like going out a lot anyways. But maybe sheltering me like that wasn't the smartest choice."

Maybe sheltering me like that wouldn't have turned me into this kinky fuck whose only hobby is drawing dicks and butts, alone, in her dark room.

To my surprise did Jungkook not use my words to make fun of me, but nodded while handing Jee a puzzle piece that had gone astray, "I guess it wasn't that smart. My parents also used to keep me at home, though for other reasons, and in retrospect I believe that I'd be doing better if they didn't-"

"No, Jee that one won't fit." I laughed, handing him the right one.

Jungkook went quiet after that and I looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to elaborate but he didn't.

"Well, still, we turned out kinda differently, huh?" I gave him a crooked smile, making him hum agreeing.


The little boy was snoring peacefully on the sofa when his mother came to pick him up.

Babysitting him had been a lot more exhausting than Jungkook initially thought, but he's had fun and now he was also getting some money out of it, so he wouldn't complain.

"I hope he was being good." Yoona said smiling, while heaving her sleeping son into her arms.

"He was." Y/N was the first to answer, to Jungkook's surprise.

"That's good to hear, I'm glad." Yoona nodded slowly, "Thank you so much for accepting, kids, I know it was sudden!"

It was bit strange to be referred to as 'kid' by the woman, but Yoona seemed to be the mother-hen type. Jungkook felt warm in her presence, "No problem, really. We had a lot of fun together."

"I'm happy to hear that we didn't burden you, you see his father- .... I don't really have the possibility to take care of Jee at all times needed, so it's a relief to find people like you." Yoona smiled, "Well, I don't want to bother you two anymore," She winked, "I know young couples need their alone time sometimes."

"No, wait, we aren't-!" Y/N started but Yoona was already rushed outside in a minute, stammering a few goodbyes before shutting the door.

"Fucking hell." His roommate cursed, dumbfounded, staring at the close door. 

The apartment was eerily quiet, kinda strange after having a loud kid over for the whole day. Maybe Y/N would allow Jungkook to have friends over sometime?

"Soooo,"Jungkook turned his head towards her, "You hate kids, huh?"

She pressed her lips together, as if not wanting to admit that she was completely smitten by Jee, "Yeah. What's your point?"

He didn't really want to start a fight in the evening so he just shrugged, "Nothing, nothing."

She snorted, before turning around to enter her room, "Don't come in!"

He rolled his eyes, "I know. And go to sleep at a reasonable hour!"

She shut her door with a bang, not answering, though Jungkook hoped she'd take his words to heart - Hoseok, at least, would be thankful for it.

He din't really understand why it was that hard for her to admit that she had fun with Jee. She kept insisting on how annoying children are and what not, but in the end of the day she had been so good at talking with Jee and taking care of him, it had stirred a strangely warm feeling inside Jungkook.

Maybe the fact that she kept denying her natural talent to babysit was not helping with it, her constant stubbornness being oddly charming to Jungkook.

Or, well, he didn't really know anything else from her anyways.


after ages, I am back


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