"Hey," He said to her when she had a mouthful of water in her mouth. She wasn't expecting him so she ended up spitting it out all over him.

"Oh shit I am so so sorry!" She exclaimed looking for the nearest towel to help clean him up.

Jack seeing her frantically looking for something to clean up the water, chuckled lightly.

"It's alright really. I can go change. I just wanted to thank you," He said.

She stopped what she was doing and looked at him.

"Oh my god. I just spit water all over the birthday boy. I feel so stupid. Again I'm so sorry," she said.

"Don't sweat it! Like I said I'm just going to go change. Thank you for singing at my party. I'm actually a big fan of your music," he said grinning at her.

"Oh... um... thank you... and again so sorry," she said feeling embarrassed.

"It's fine. Stay here. I'm going to go change then I will be back. I'd like to talk to you," he smiled at her then walked off.

Elsa felt dumbfounded. She for sure thought he would have yelled at her for spitting water all over him. She got water on the floor as well so she started looking for towels or even napkins this time to clean it up.

Jack came back a few minutes later to find her with tons of used napkins.

"I appreciate you cleaning that up but I could have had someone else do it," he said and nearly scared the living life out of her.

"Gosh! You need a bell or something. I didn't even hear you coming," she said throwing the napkins in the trash.

"So you are easy to scare," Jack smirked at her.

"Well, when you don't make a noise or anything to make me think someone is near, Yes I would say so," she said sarcastically.

He laughed.

"Other than being scared by me twice, are you enjoying the party?" He asked.

"With the fifteen minutes I've had off stage, I would say I feel more embarrassed than anything at this party at the moment," she said moving her hair out of her face.

"Stop beating yourself up for that. No harm was done," he chuckled.

"You're sure," she asked covering her face.

"Yes," he smiled at her, "How about we go talk outside?"

"Uh sure," she smiled.

And for the rest of the night, they both made each other laugh so much and just really had fun talking together.

~End of Flashback~

When that night was over, they really didn't want it to be. So they had exchanged numbers and have been together ever since. Of course they had the few months of talking before they were official though.

Now though... something was not what it used to be.

"So, you're going on tour with your band and there's nothing I can say to make you stay?" Jack asked.

"It's not going to be forever Jack. I'll be gone for a year. I'm going to miss you so much too you know," she said looking straight at his eyes.

They were in their house having an argument.

"Am I not enough to keep you here? Is that it?" He asked.

"Of course you are enough Jack. It's just my agent-," she was cut off by Jack.

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