Chapter Thirty Two; {~A Race Not Meant To Bd Finished Alone.~}

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Ever Enough
{~Book; One~}

{~Mentions of murder, self harm, abuse, self degrading thoughts. Please point out if I missed any~}

Third Person Pov~
It was when Peter started his forth lap the pair began to worry. Only three laps were set in place and Peter had already finished them all while they were finishing their second ones. The kid was fast, much faster then either of them gave credit for. The boy was able to finish three laps in the time they spent finishing one. Though, as amazing as that was, the idea that the kid hadn't stopped running even after he had won, gave them both a scare.

"Peter! You won! How about you take a break now!" Sam shouted, taking notice on how the boys body swayed with each step. This wasn't the fastest he could go, he assumed as much as he had been bed bound for quite some time. Being able to run as much as Peter was currently was more then a miracle.

It was when Peter had stumbled, the two knew something was wrong. The boy's speed slowed down and his body swayed even more. It was by the kids seventh lap when it happened. The kid stumbled over himself yet again to where he was met with the floor before him. Crying aloud out of pain, the kid held his body close to himself, cradling his bruised and battered body as he cried.

Bucky was the first to race over, having done so even before the kid had fallen over. He knew soon enough the kid was going to fall victim to something like this, it was only a matter of time. So here he was, crouched over the kid, cautiously reaching a hand forwards. His outstretched hand was shaking violently as it reached for the kid who too, was trembling. By the time he had met with the boy, Peter shifted upright, jumping to his feet in which he grabbed onto Bucky as tightly as he could.

The older man had fallen back out of shock, though soon enough wrapped his arms around the sobbing boy in return. A sad smile playing on his lips as he had done so.

Peter cried a lot, though there was always good reason to it. Bucky too had found himself breaking more and more around the boy and Steve. That might've been a reason why he distanced himself from the older man. He didn't like nor understand why all these emotions were suddenly coming out. So Bucky didn't entirely mind that the kid broke down more often each day they spent together. However, he was upset with how the kid would never utter a single word about what caused it.

"Peter are you okay?" Unlike usual, the kid had shook his head, abandoning his usual nod which was usually nothing more then empty lies. The kid's hold on Bucky tightened, his face burying once more into the man's. Hands tightening to the point he was struggling to breath. It was then that Bucky noticed two traits he didn't before. It was more reasoning to why Hydra had him.

Super Speed

Super Strength

"No, n-no, nothings alright." The kid had muttered out, his voice silent though words harsh and incomplete. The kid continued to tremble with each and every whimper that spilled from his body. Something that couldn't help but bring a dreadful like feeling to Bucky's attention. His hold too, had grown tighter. The idea of his kid crying in his arms brought this vengeful mindset to his attention.

"It will be, okay? It will get better, it will. But you'll need to open up about it, you'll need to talk to someone. Keeping it inside isn't going to help you, Petey. So please, when your ready. Tell me, okay? Only when-"

"S-She's dead." Peter mumbled out, eyes shifting up to meet with Bucky's. The man took note of the sorrow and pain in which swallowed them, how they were glazed over with newly fresh, unshedded tears. Bucky began running his one hand through Peter's hair while his other drew little figures on his back.

Am I... The Villian? {~Book One~} {~2021-2022~} Where stories live. Discover now