Chapter Two; {~Where Did I Go Wrong?~}

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Ever Enough
{~Book; One~}

{~This chapter contains, Panic Attack, mentions of abuse, mentions of rape, self degrading thoughts, if I missed any please tell me~}

{~Previously On~}

Third Person Pov~
  "Peter." Eddie called, his voice soft yet stern at the same time. The boy took the hint and straightened up his posture, eyes shifting towards the table as a shaky breath spilled into the air. The only question was, what hint had Peter received?

  "Kid relax, I was just going to ask you if your feeling alright." The question struck Peter with mild confusion, he wasn't sure if he was too relax or stay fixated in the trained position. His body began to shake violently as the boy was left to believe this was all just a scam so they had reasons to hurt him.


{~Present Time~}

Third Person Pov~
Peter was lost deep within his spiraling thoughts, as the idea of him leaving the house flashed before his eyes like a crazed mirage. The boy hadn't left the apartment ever since he had gotten back, he refuged to go anywhere as the fear of being sent back was always present. However, the boy didn't know that was why he couldn't bring himself to leave the apartment.

He was gone for three years, and struggled to remember the time before he was captured. He did however remember the deaths of those he cared for. Of those he learned to love and care for as time continued on. He was reminded constantly that it was his fault they died, that it was because of him, they were alive anymore. The Hydra agents that were over the boys watch had convinced him that Peter was nothing more then a submissive monster. One that was to be used, not to be cared for.

Peter was the cause of Ben's death, it was his ignorance that got the man he cared for dearly killed. May had left not long after that, having been a drunk and abusive woman who only became that was from the countless drugs she was taking at the time. Then there was his cell mate. The man he knew so much about but not enough that he had ever gotten a name.

The unnamed man had always told Peter about his life in order to calm the boy down when ever he came back from being 'taught'. The man had little information about what the younger of the two was going through, though did his best to make the kid feel safer, feel less alone. So he told him stories, stories of his past and his plans for the future. Who would've known the man in the cell next over planned on growing plums as soon as he was out of this mess.

Peter became close to the man, trusted him, cared for him as he did too. They were a pair that couldn't be pulled apart no matter what challenges. They were always there to comfort each other. That was until they weren't.

Peter remembered that day all to well as it was the day that the low and raspy voiced man was there, in the cell next over when one of the drunken agents came in on him. Was there as the boy cried, pleaded for the middle aged of the three to stop. Stop hurting him in a way no human, no living creature should've ever been hurt. The man he grew to recognize as the only person he had left, someone he saw as a father figure and unknowingly was thought of as a son back, was raped. And the man could only listen to the pained keens from the boy never being able to do a single thing besides beg for the man to stop.

That was the first time he heard the man cry, and the last time as well. As the following day they were separated. The pained and used boy was forced to watch the large brunette was beaten and tortured mercilessly before him.

Am I... The Villian? {~Book One~} {~2021-2022~} Where stories live. Discover now