Chapter Thirty; {~I'm Sorry Happy, I'm So Sorry~}

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Ever Enough
{~Book; One~}

Third Person Pov~
  Bucky watched as the younger boy lifelessly stalked his way into the change rooms. Dragging one foot after the other almost lifelessly. Peter let out a sigh as he slid into the room, shutting the door silently behind him. Bucky had given him the entire locker room for him to dress lonesome in. Not wanting to make the kid feel threatened or scared in any way. Despite feeling this strange yet strong urge to stick by his side, he knew that in cases like these, it would be best to give the younger boy space unless he told him otherwise.

  So here he stood, leaned against the wall that was not far from the door, waiting, listening for any sign that the kid needed his assistance. It had been nearly ten minutes when he heard it, heard the door's lock clicking into place. It was only then that Bucky realized he didn't tell the kid if he could lock the door or not, leaving him wondering if all that time that had previously passed was spent determining rather or not Peter was allowed to lock the door.

The idea gave Bucky an ill like feeling, so much thought having gone into something as simple as locking a door for ones own comfort shouldn't have been so misleading. The idea of what could've possibly happened, or what the boy believed would happen, scared him. In simple terms he was afraid that the boy was debating on rather or not to lock it solely based off of the fear of being punished. Something no child, no human should've had to thought about.

"You know you'll need to talk to Steve, right?" Sam had suddenly called, taking rest upon the wall across from Bucky. To the man's demise, Bucky was forced to wear a long sleeve shirt and low waisted shorts. The clothes having exposed much if not all of the scars that rested upon the man's legs. He could feel Sam's gaze shift down to them, tracing over the endless amount of lines, some larger and thicker then others. He felt his gaze burning holes through his very skin, it was almost as if Sam was trying to tell himself that he was merely seeing things, nothing more. As the idea of his friend so terribly scarred on a place that wasn't usually the main target, scared him. It was an unpleasant sight to say the least.

  Bucky only hummed in response, not as comfortable as he was with Peter, with him. The man picked up on that rather quickly and kept the much needed distance between them. He didn't know if he should carry on with what he was saying or change to a new topic. "Peter was happy to see, well uh, Happy." Sam had called nervously, scratching the back of his neck as his eyes knitted out of confusion. He understood the given nickname that stuck, it was nothing more then a tease out of sarcasm. Though earlier, after Peter had called out for the head of security, that once menacing look he had faded. A smile broke out on his face, one that was wide and clearly filled with disbelief.

  Sam couldn't get the sight out of his head, he wanted to know how Happy and Peter knew each other so well that they had made each other smile.

  "Happy!" Peter had shouted, shuffling in his spot upon Bucky. The man froze as he felt the kid slip from his grip, leaving him behind to jump at the much larger man before him. The kid broke into tears the moment his face had squished into the chest of Happy. The man himself looked just as shocked as Bucky, though that shock didnt morph into jealousy or anger but instead to an unfamiliar and unsettling glee. The man had picked Peter up with ease, smiling widely as he held the younger boy close. There was a connection between the two, one that Bucky clearly didn't like.

  Bucky in response to Sam's question had scoffed, rolling his eyes as he shuffled uncomfortably in his spot. He remembered the smile Peter bared, it was bigger then any he had ever seen upon the kids face. It was downright nerve racking as he hadn't made Peter smile that widely before. It wasn't fair to say the least. Some overgrown forehead just coming along and making his kid smile.

Am I... The Villian? {~Book One~} {~2021-2022~} Where stories live. Discover now