Chapter Twenty Two; {~You Royally Screwed Up This Time, Tony.~}

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Ever Enough
{~Book; One~}

{~This chapter contains, Panic Attack, mentions of abuse, self harm, child abuse, swear words, mentions of suicide, death, torture, Memories of the past if I missed any please tell me~}

{~Previously On~}

Third Person Pov~
  When Peter begins to find worth within himself, is when Peter will begin opening up to others. Peter will be able to say who and who can't be his friends, he will be able to make genuine relationships that he can put titles on.

  Bruce telling Peter that they were family without giving Peter time to think about it was something he dared not to do. Because that wouldn't make the kid think, Bruce told him he cared, told him that he deserved to live. Now it was up to Peter to determine or not rather Bruce was someone he could call family, could call home.

  "I'm not going to leave you kid, not unless you want me too." Bruce called silently, telling Peter that it was his decision. That it always will be his decision when he's around Bruce. Bruce wanted Peter to understand he wasn't a obedient little doll for others, but more so a person with opinions that deserved to be heard. To be acknowledged.

  "I don't want you to l-leave." Peter had admitted, slowly pulling away from Bruce so he could meet what he believed was the man's eyes. "I really don't want you to leave me."

  Bruce smiled softly, nodding his head as he reached forwards with a hand, combing it through Peter's hair. "Good, cause I didn't want to leave you either."

{~Present Day~}

Third Person Pov~
Bruce held Peter close, running his hands through the boys hair as he laid there. As he done so, he felt the occasional bump, a spot with raised, tight skin that was most likely scars. Bruce began following the markings, finding that they ran around his entire scalp, resting in a circular like shape. It was almost like Peter had worn a crown of thorns, a crown that had thick, one centimetre by one centimetre pegs sticking from the base of it. Bruce's gut twisted at the thought, his breathing growing heavier as he tried not to think of what could've left said markings there.

  It was hard not to think about, seeing as Peter was someone he was beginning to care for more then he thought he would. The kid managed to nuzzle his way into Bruce's heart which was rather unexpected.

Bruce let lose a heavy sigh, his eyes pressing together as he felt the boy stir, it was rather intriguing as it seemed as if Peter noticed the presence of someone else. Notice that it was Tony seeing as he visually tensed. Bruce had to double check that the boy was still sleeping just to be sure as he already knew himself and Tony were most definitely going to be talking about sensitive topics. But seeing how Peter's body reacted, Bruce assumed he already had an idea that would happen.

  "You shouldn't have said what you said. Steve told me it was then that Peter began to panic. He hurt himself Tony, you do realize that. Right?" Bruce called quietly, eyes squinting together as he heaved a heavy breath. Bruce didn't wish to scold Tony, though his attitude was uncalled for. It wasn't his place to say that about someone without knowing the truth, especially if that someone was a self endangering child who was no further then a thin wall away. "This is partially your fault, I hope you know that."

Am I... The Villian? {~Book One~} {~2021-2022~} Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora