Chapter Six; {~A Past That Can't Be Out Run~}

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Ever Enough
{~Book; One~}

{~This chapter contains, Panic Attack, mentions of abuse, suicidal thoughts, self harm, self mutilation if I missed any please tell me~}

{~Previously On~}

the rest of this chapter may contain triggering scenes for some readers. The following paragraphs contain torture, self harm, child abuse, suicidal thoughts, self mutilation, death and self degrading thoughts.

Third Person Pov~
  Eye sore? Am I really that bad? Really that... that... vile?

  'Just look at yourself. You really think anyone would care for that? Care for someone who's larger then the fridge they eat from? Do you really think Eddie wants you here? Do you really?'

  He doesn't... I'm just... a burden.

  Peter's mind continued to taunt him, leaving the boy questioning the very reason he was there. He knew how Eddie had little money, knew how he woke up to comfort the scared boy when ever he had a panic attack. Peter was left to believe that he was nothing more then a burden to the man he cared for dearly.

  'Just leave. Save him the troubles.'

  'He deserves that after all your shit he put up with'

{~Present Time~}

Third Person Pov~
  Time carried on as the young boy stood before the mirror, staring at the grotesque and bulky figure before him. Teeth grinding against one another as his hands tightened into tight fists. His sunken in features were anything but that, with the help of his voice he saw the 'truth'. The 'truth' where he was larger then he actually was. Larger then anyone in the building actually was.

  He stared down the taunting figure with a glare, puffy and tearful eyes supporting the look. He couldn't help but scowl.










  I know, I know... just shut up. Please. Just shut up, shut up, shut up...

  Peter's head was throbbing, feeling as if an elephant had suddenly materialized in his mind. One that kept growing, constantly stomping around like it was made of cheese, a mouse hot on its trails. The searing pain left the boys hands clasping the bathrooms counter, eyes squeezing together as he chewed aggressively on his lower lip.

Am I... The Villian? {~Book One~} {~2021-2022~} Where stories live. Discover now