I roll my eyes at him. "I know you're not." I sit up on my elbow. "I want you to sleep where you normally sleep."

"This is where I normally sleep."

"Bullshit you sleep about half that distance and you know it." I shoot back. I lay down, "C'mon Dixon, don't make it weird." I say in a teasing tone.

He huffs and moves to his normal spot. He lays down and puts a hand behind his head. He chews his thumb then looks at me looking very shy. "I ain't tryin to make it weird. This is where I normally sleep but it's different now. It's jus'... I don't want to make you uncomfortable or think I'm expecting somethin' or... whatever." He shrugs and looks away.

I turn to my side, facing him more fully. "It is different now. Remember what I said earlier. Just do what you normally would do and we will go from there. I know you don't expect anything. Honestly I don't either. I know myself though and I am a naturally touchy feely person. But I know you aren't. So the physical stuff will come in time and that's okay. I am going to let you set the pace because I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I promise I will tell you the minute I am not okay with something if you promise to do the same."

He hums in agreement looking much more at ease. "So can I put another quarter in the jukebox?"

I smile at him, but stop myself from saying yes. I look around the room and everyone is asleep. "Nope I don't accept quarters anymore. Sorry."

He ruffles his eyebrows in confusion, then realizes what I'm getting at. He gives me a small smirk and leans forward. His lips touch mine very gently and he kisses me slowly. His mouth opens and I willingly do the same. His tongue circles mine once and then he pulls away. "How 'bout now?"

"What do you want to hear?" I can't wipe the dreamy smile off my face after a kiss like that.

"Don't matter." He shrugs his shoulders.

I narrow my eyes at him playfully. "You know you're going to have to start giving me some requests. I can't always pick."

He hums in response while I think of a song. It only takes a second because it's so fitting. I sing softly as a ballad.

Oh yeah I'll tell you somethin'

I think you'll understand

(I hear him huff a chuckle and he intertwines our fingers)

When I say that somethin'

I want to hold your hand

I want to hold your hand

I want to hold your hand

Oh please say to me

You wanna be my man

And please say to me

You'll let me hold your hand

I want to hold your hand

I want to hold your hand

And when I touch you

I feel happy inside

It's just a feeling that my love

I can't hide

I can't hide

I can't hide

Yeah you got that somethin'

I think you'll understand

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