Chapter 12: The Arsonist

Start from the beginning

However, I swore that I won't burden them...

I clenched my fist and took a deep breath, gathering courage. With Zou here, I thought of something great.

Well then, it's time to commence my plan... I had to apologize for I might confuse Zou.

First, crocodile tears were expected. I pinched my wrist on my right that won't reach Ma'am Carsel's sight.
"Did he tell you the reason?" I asked.


"How could he do this to me?! It's been a month ever since we last talked... Why would he avoid me now?!" A student happened to pass by and my yell made her stepped back.

"Myle..?" As expected, his eyes narrowed out of confusion. Great actress, aren't I? Anyway, I hoped that this won't happen again.

For the second step, the cellphone I pulled out from my pocket was necessary to obtain Zou's cooperation.

"He's not answering my calls... Not even replying... It's like he's cutting off our connections..." I said while typing something.

"Cutting wha-?"

"LOOK!" I stretched my arm and let Zou faced my phone.

"That's-" He covered his mouth but I was still unsure if that's an act.

"He's so terrible, right?!" I returned the phone to my pocket.

"Yeah... Even for that reason, how dare he do this to you... You don't deserve that scum. I'm a fool for trusting my brother... I'll never talk to him again!"

I was dumbfounded. His acting was on another level. Also, his tears and expressions seemed natural!

"Zou... Don't destroy your relationship just because of me..."

"Why would I care?! I loathe him! I despise him! I detest him! I dislike him! I hate him!" Deja vu.

I wondered if he was imagining me while acting... His hatred felt too real.

"Myle... Just go out with me," he said. How did it come to this?!

Our act was already a mess. I sighed and pinched myself again. "I'm sorry... I'm still suffering from heartbreak... Not now, Zou."

I felt like shrinking from embarrassment! What if Ma'am Carsel was innocent? This misunderstanding might haunt me. Still, why would she watch our dramas?

"Then, I'll just never forgive him. Let's go. Just thinking of him makes me hungry."

"A-Ahahahah... I'll treat you later after I call Brother Ein." Both of us wiped our tears.

The show was finally over. Thanks to that, I became certain of one thing...

Before she left us, my ears caught her clicking her tongue. She put a phone near her ear and said, "We gotta look for a new target."

Her voice wasn't that clear so I only heard that part. Anyway, she was watching us the whole time then she suddenly got irritated. A target was also mentioned...

Therefore, she's the arsonist.

"We made a great team, aren't we?"

"Ha, I just saved your butt! You owe me your life!" He crossed his arms, going back to being fierce.

"Yes, yes. Thank you very much!" I bowed at him.

"You suck at acting. You even pinched yourself."

"I'm just an ordinary student. Not an actress."

He sighed. "What if it bleeds? I must report this to my brother..."

"Yeah, do that."

Unknowingly, he just stared at me so I asked, "What's wrong?"

He looked away. "I thought you were gonna stop me... 'cause he might get worried."

"It can't be helped. He'll be more worried if he discovered it late."

Plus, they needed to be prepared. Just with her vibes had shaken me this much... How much more if they met her right now?

"Oh, by the way! That message before was pretty smart of you. You've become a proper boss now."

He was talking about our drama in front of Ma'am Carsel before. If I hadn't shown him my phone, I might've acted alone.

'I'm trying something so pls. cooperate with me. If you decided to start acting, don't ever look at the teacher beside me... To act natural.'

My fingers ached from typing that long message. Thankfully, it went successful.

"I'm glad you're here..."

"Hmph. No big deal." His face turned red. Many would think that this fierce kid was shy deep inside.

"Deep inside... Zou, did you overheard Ma'am Carsel's phone call?" I asked since it seemed like I missed something important.

"Phone call? Oh! I'm not sure but I think I heard just one sentence."

"Er... It's probably the same as what I heard?"

"Well, she said..." He paused for a while to recall. "We wouldn't be able to bring out the extra ability deep inside that mind-reading lad... Or something like that?"

We slowly turned our heads, facing each other just like a robot. We both just realized something about that statement.

I frowned, his eyes widened. My eyes widened, he frowned. Alternately, we did that... until we inhaled at the same time.

"Extra ability..?"

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