"Are you sure?" She asks, pushing the laptop away and looking at me.

"Yes, Stephanie, I'm fine, okay?" I say a little too aggressively.

"I'm sorry." I say instantly, "But you seem o be on his side and it reminds me of Chrissy." I tell her and she looks down.

"I just saw how happy you always were with him."

"I wasn't, I was miserable." I say harshly and then let more of my emotions through, "And I'm miserable without him." I tell her.

"He said he was never attracted to me." I sigh and Stephanie grabs my hands in hers.

"Miles was lying, Madison . . . he gets like that when he's angry."

"Sometimes I think you know more about him than I do," I say a little jealous which makes me feel guilty. She smiles and lets her hands fall on the table, drawing them toward her.

"I know the past him, and of course what he told me during our car ride there."

"What did he say?" I ask calmly, trying to hide my excitement.

"He's in love with you, Madison, and . . . he always will be. I've never seen him like this and i only happens when you're around. It's up to you what you do, but I know him and so do you, and he does things he regrets, but he's so selfish but so in love that it all mixes up together for him."

"Look . . . I really don't care for Miles, but seeing him with you, I think that not only he but also you have finally found something important and you're allowed to give him a thousand chances if that's what gets you o understand if he's the one or if he's not." Stephanie tells me and I give her a warm smile.

"Here, you're assignment is done. All of it, all you have to do is figure out your love lif and remember some flashcard for tomorrow." Stephanie smiles and pushes the laptop back to me. I glance at the assignment, she wrote it as if I had, every answer is unique and in my voice.

"Thank you." I smile at her and she shakes her head.

"No problem." She mouths before leaving. I look at the laptop to see that there are only three hours to class.

Miles's POV

"Fuck." I run my hand through my hair angrily and then tuck at the ends.

"Is everything okay?" I hear Hayley's voice swim in under the bathroom door. I kneel my hea dunder the running shower and take off my shirt and pants. Why the hell is she outside the bathroom anyway? Why is she here? Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"Yeah," I shout back and in one sharp and quick motion, I turn the showers off and wrap a towel around myself, trying to hide the black underwear under the new white towels I added for Madison. I open the door o her large eyes. I raise a brow her and she blushes.

"You smell really good." She says and shivers run through me. I deserve this.

"I'm going to take a shower." She smiles then eyes my abs, arms, and tattoos. She bites her lip and then blushes, looking down again. I don't know if I can do this.

"I bought some mac and cheese, maybe you can go make it and maybe . . . we can watch a movie after?" She blushes shyly and then before I can even open my mouth, she has slipped into the shower. God damnit. 

I roll my eyes and walk into my room, ripping away the towel and letting it fall onto my bed. I take a deep breath and let it out almost instantly. My stomach grumbles so I quickly grab black skinny jeans and a new t-shirt I bought, which is a specific grey, almost light but a little darker than light. 

I have random white small letters on the sides along with something black I can't care enough to make out. Class starts in three hours and I want to be there on time; hoping I'll see Madison, and hoping she'll see I'm still trying so hard to change for her. 

I grab my cologne and spray some on my neck and chest area before slipping into the shirt. Fuck. Why am I putting on fucking cologne? I close my eyes and let the memories of my past run through me. there's still something in me that automatically prepares for lady company.

I run downstairs after still hearing the shower running, the thought of someone who isn't Madison being in my shower, makes me feel disgusted. I burhs the through away and hurry downstairs seeing the two very conveniently placed mac and cheese boxes on the counter in my clean kitchen. 

 I don't want to be doing this, but I am hungry and it's the easiest thing to have right now. 

The last thing I would have needed was to prepare something and have Hayley join me mid-way or think it was a romantic gesture or some shit. Noodles with cheese sound better than her taking the wrong idea. Pour the mac into the boiling water and stir the thing. 

I hear the shower stop but she doesn't come out yet and I'm thankful, maybe I'll be able to quickly down my bowl down. I stir the mac and then finally sift it through, placing it back into the same pot and adding butter and then the powdery cheese from both packets.

I mix it well so that it's even and then place some in a bowl for me, but just as I grab a fork, she appears.

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