I just notice the black dress she has in her hand.

"What's the occasion?" I ask before I could stop myself.

The woman beams. "Oh! We're hosting a black-tie event in honour of my husband's 57th birthday."

"You should come!" she adds. "All the proceeds go towards the Ray of Hope charity."

No thanks...

I'm all for supporting the cause and all that, but I just find these events pretentious.

"I'm s——"

"No!" Amanda shouts, cutting me off before I even have a chance to start my sentence properly.

I take her in.

"Amanda!" the woman —— I can't remember her name——bellows. "What has gotten into you?"

She blushes. "I'm sorry. Um, I meant to say, Lucas won't make it. He's a busy man so he can't possibly find the time."

You're my secretary now?

I had no plans on going, but her anxiety makes me suddenly interested.

"When is it?" I ask smoothly.

The older woman returns her attention to me. "This Saturday..."

Amanda rolls her eyes. She clearly doesn't want me there, it seems.

Why? Is she worried she'll lose control in front of her precious in-laws?

I smirk. "Sure. I'll try my best to be there," I say and resist the urge to laugh at her gaping fish expression. I hand Ms. Chin a business card. "Just send the details to my assistant."

I study Amanda through the side of my eye.

Her mouth trembles. I know she's just itching to say something.

She won't though. She's trying too hard to impress "mom".

You brought this onto yourself, baby girl.

I flash her my best playboy smile.

This should be interesting.

* * *

"Didn't you say you have somewhere to be?" she asks as she buckles the straps on the heel she just placed her foot in. It is her third pair. "Why are you still here?"

I do have somewhere to be, but...

I look at my watch, it's 6:15. Nyama dem can wait...

I sit on the empty chair beside her and sling my hand along the back. "Are you saying you don't enjoy my company, Amanda?"

She gives me a sideways glance. "You can call me Manda, like everybody else you know?"

I smirk and lean closer to her ear, making sure to let my breath fan her neck. "Do I seem like I'm the same as everybody else?"

She pulls away and looks up at me. "Alright, now mi kinda think your likkle looks a get to your head."

So she thinks I look good, huh!

I smile and lean closer. "Thank you..."

She raises a brow and scrunches her nose. "Yuh crazy or sum'n?"

"Possibly," I say without skipping a beat. "Another one of my many attributes. I have the accolades to show."

I resist the urge to laugh at her expression.

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