࿏ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 23 ࿏

Start from the beginning

Wilbur had switched on his desk lamp when he heard the front door open. With an eye roll, he stood up and opened his door slightly, watching the pinkette turn on the foyer lights. They weren't bright enough to wake the two blondes on the lounge.

Techno walked over, noticing two of his family members asleep. The man smiled gently and walked over quietly, crouching in front of Tommy. Wil watched with silence as his twin did something the brunette never thought he was capable of.

The hitman brushed the hair that had fallen onto the boy's face out of the way and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"I love you, Toms," He whispered. "Please never leave us again"

Wilbur let out a quiet scoff, alerting the older man. Techno stood up to look at his younger brother, he was leant up against his door frame with a dim light behind him, his face was blackened out leaving only a faint silhouette of the man and his coat. The pinkette could gather that he was upset with him but what else was new?

He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head before making his way to his room which was next to the brunettes. He turned the doorknob, choosing to ignore the taller presence next to him. He didn't need his brother's bullshit of an argument asking where he was and why he left Tommy but it seemed that he was going to have to deal with it anyway.

"Kinda ironic that you say that when he's asleep" Techno stopped in his tracks, a sigh escaping his lips but Wilbur wasn't done. He shuffled on the spot, his voice was just above a whisper but not loud enough to wake the sleeping blondes. "Where were you?"


"Doing what?" His voice snapped, a venomous tone present. Techno shifted onto one foot and tilted his head back and to his brother, his round glasses reflecting the soft lighting. Half his body was turned to the pinkette, leaving half his figure in the dark.

He took a small step forward, his boot-tapping on the floor against the floor and his coat moving slightly against the wind created by his movement. The brunette stopped and tilted his head expectant look on his face as he waited for his twin brother to speak.

"None of your concern" Techno gruffed. Wilbur scoffed once again, beginning to pull his fingerless leather gloves off his hands and violently shoved him into his coat pocket.

"Alright, then riddle me this; Why did you leave us? Tommy needs his family and you just left him-"

"Because I blame myself!" He snapped, his voice was still hushed but remained loud. Tommy stirred on the lounge, both the oldest Watson sons froze on the stop both silencing themselves.

Wilbur quickly and quietly darted over and crouched behind the lounge. He ran his hand through his baby brother's strawberry blonde hair, a sigh escaping his lips as he snuggled into his father's arms. Phil held him close, a soft smile creeping onto the brunette's face. Techno watched from afar, deciding to just stay away from his family.

The younger twin turned back to his older brother, only by half an hour, and stood up again, his smile falling almost instantly. He took a few steps forward and pointed his finger at his brother, only a small space being left between them.

"You're going to spend time with Tommy. I don't care what the fuck you say but you're going to be with him. You are going to talk to him and you are most definitely going to apologize for being such a dickhead to him-" His tone was harsh and accusing. Techno exhaled as he cut him off, his anger seeping through.

"Listen to me, Wilbur! I push him away because I'm dangerous! You know this. The voices- They say stuff I don't want to do and ever since mum died they've told me the same thing over and over again. Kill Tommy." His voice showed a hint of desperation.

Wilbur took a step back, his might and boldness had now backed off. With a sudden wave of protectiveness and fear washing over him, the need to protect Tommy was stronger. He took an instinctive step closer to the blonde on the lounge who was encased by their father.

Techno raised his arms slightly, his brown eyes trailing to the floor as he sighed. He hated the voices in his head. The one secret he kept was what they told him, people were aware of the voices but they never knew what they told him. Teddy and Phil only had the faint runaround of it.

"They kept telling me to hurt him, Wil, so I pushed him away. The further away from me, he was, the better. When we were kids, do you remember when I locked him in the closet?"

Wil nodded slowly, his back to the grey lounge and a hand on Tommy's shoulder.

"I didn't do it because I was angry. I did it because I couldn't control the voices and locking him away was the best way to ensure I wouldn't hurt him but even then I did end up hurting him because now-- because of me he has claustrophobia. I'm just trying to protect him, Wilbur. He's still my baby brother and I do care for him. I love him."

There was a reason Technoblade never let anyone in. It was easier to keep it to himself and fight his demons alone rather than to load it onto someone else. He was always seen as the big strong man that no one wanted to mess with, someone who could hold his own in any situation but he was still a human being with struggles of his own.

Wilbur took a cautious step forward and tilted his head to the side slightly, his fluffy brown hair falling over to the right. Techno always envied Wil. He had it easy, never having to deal with voices or having his own younger brother hate him to the point where breakdowns were caused because of him. Tommy looked up to Wilbur and Phil, always idolizing them. They were better role models for him than Techno would ever be.

"What are they saying now?" The brunette's words were quiet and soft. His eyes were only just being able to reach those of his twins, eyes which they shared the colour of and had seen shared horrors.

"To protect Toms. Stop him."

"Stop him?"

"They kept saying he was hurting himself again. You might wanna check that but it had me scared."

"Hurting himself? Like-"


"Fuck" Wil's voice sounding distressed. He looked down at the blonde who stirred in his father's arms, a quiet noise escaping his lips. The thought of Tommy harming himself again or even attempting again scared him shitless.

Tommy would argue that he was a big man and felt no pain but his family knew better. He had no choice in what his family became, Wil and Techno could've stopped it but instead they joined. He had no choice but to stay silent and break the law. Whether he was involved or not, he could still get in trouble legally for it.

When their mother passed, he was too young, Phil lapsing into selling drugs to get money to feed his sons. His job had let him go only two months before Kristin's death and they still had hospital bills to pay and feed themselves along with other bills. Wilbur began to help when he was thirteen and Techno at fourteen. He was too young to even realize what his family were doing.

This life hurt him more than he let on.

"I'll-I'll talk to him, Tech, don't worry"

"As will I. I have a lot of explaining to do, I just need to find the right time" Techno looked at his younger brother with saddened eyes. "I promise"

Words: 2,014

I graduated year 12 after 13 years of schooling today...

And I have a party to go to in less than an hour so have this chapter before I forget to post it.

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