"But why didn't you appear before?"

"He said it was nothing worth his time." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh. Then...um, welcome?" She said unsurely. I didn't blame her though. His existence had always been virtual. We knew he was here but he never interrupted our reality for ten years. It would take a little bit of getting used to.

"I took care of the human."

"Mm. If there's nothing else, I'll be going back to my mate." I waved before turning away from her.

"Oh yeah. Blaze seems interested in Micah." She said making me stiffen.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't glare a hole through me. I just thought you should know in case you see it happen."

"See it happen?" I glared harder.

"Yeah. Micah seems interested in him too." She added. A crack sounded from the door from how hard I was gripping it.

"What?" I seethed in anger.

"Don't mindlessly rush your mouth pup. You won't be able to handle the consequences otherwise." Sividus warned.

I could feel his irritation building up atop mine. Royal was surprisingly the only calm one.

"Not that sort of interested. I can swear to you that whatever it is that's happening between them is plato—"

"There's nothing between them. Stop putting them together damn it!" I snapped as I ran my hands through my hair.

"—platonic. That I can testify. He's just weirdly protective of her. Like one would guard a precious treasure." She finished.

"She's my treasure. Mine!" I gritted out in annoyance.

The hell does that brat think he is?! First, it was Alec, and now Blaze?

"Isn't he usually uninterested in the opposite gender? Why the hell is he interested in my mate?!"

"Maybe it was love at first sight?"

"I'll punch you."

"Hehe, I was just saying. Anyways they are innocent and purely platonic. He gives off the feeling of a guard protecting a royal." She said.

"Does that even make sense?" I scowled.

"Yes and no. The feeling makes sense but why he does it doesn't." She shrugged.

"Damn it." I muttered as I felt an itch in my bones urging me to get back to her, "whatever. Red is mine and I trust her."

"Indeed." She smiled, "hurry along now." She waved dismissively. I threw her a dirty glare before turning away.

"Don't disturb us," I said before heading to my room with hurried steps.

I calmed down when her light breathing entered my ears. I slowly walked over to the bed before getting under the covers. She instantly turned towards me and nestled in my arms before letting out a sigh.

"Armin..." she mumbled.

"Mm?" I looked down only to see her serene sleeping face. I smiled when I realized she called me unconsciously before gently caressing her hair, "Red." I murmured.

The caressing motion coupled with her alluring scent lulled me to sleep. When I came through again, a feather-like caress followed by an onslaught of tingles assaulted my senses.

Looking at her dazed state as she skimmed across my face, my eyes softened before I gently held onto her wondering fingers.

"Dazed?" I asked.

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