chapter 11 - The Omega Dragon

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Kotobu looked at me and he sed "who are you this spiritual pressure is to strong it can't be the same kid."

And the power inside me replayed with "your right this is not Zero I am Kurimuzon the power inside this kid I am known as the legandary crimson dragon you may know me in legend the destroyer of the middel kingdom."

And kotobu looked at me and he smiled "so now I know what was sealed inside this kid when the master left this kid in the human world." and he draw his katana and turn around and walked toward me

And Kurimuzon looked at kotobu and sed "you wil die if you dare to challenge me boy your a 100 year to early to fight me,"

And kotobu smiled and run toward Kurimuzon and slashes his katana forward and Kurimuzon evaded all his attack like it was nothing.

Kurimuzon " you wil never hit me just give up"

Kotobu "we wil see about that awaken kairoma" And the katana of kotobu begin to glow.

And kotobu flashes toward Kurimuzon and attackt him he slashes his katana but even in his awaken form kotobu was to weak. And than Kurimuzon begin to run toward kotobu and he flashes kotobu could see him he was to fast hand that was it Kurimuzon grab kotobu he trow him in the sky grab him and push him toward the ground with all his power and that was it. The end of the battle

And Kurimuzon sed to kotobu "I told you you can never defeat me boy your to weak this is real power and never dare to challenge me again next time il kill you."

And my body turn back to normal and i past out that's how the battle ended with both of us past out on the ground.

Hoop you guys like the chapter please vote for me and comment what you guys think of the story thanks for reading everybody.

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