Chapter 6 - The tower of Dragons

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And so here i am finally I'm here at the kango village. So now i need to find a man in this city that can lead me to the gate of the tower. Let me go ask around maybe someone now where i can find that man.

So i walked up to a man and asked him do you know a man called ziba and the man sed yeah i know him he's in the house at the top of the mountain. And so i walked up towards the mountains it was a harsh route to walk on but here i was at the top there was only one house Here and so i opened the door to go look inside than a man was standing there before me and i was shocked and i draw my sword. What i dint know that man was so powerful he was so fast he trows me back like it was nothing like a feather in his hand he was so strong. And he sed what are you doing here

And i sed I'm looking for a man called ziba and the man sed so and why are you looking for me. And i looked at him so thats ziba and I asked him i was send here by dragon master so you could show me the way to the tower of dragons. And he sed so you are the kiddo of the king of magic huh you don't really look like something special but okey il show you the way to the gate.

And so there we were going walking toward the end of the mountain and we send there he sed keep calm and don't get scared he pit his hand on the floor and screamed i summon the dark dragon of the shadow realm.

And so there a dragon was summon i saw a giant dragon stand before me and the dragon could talk and he sed why did you summon me magician. And the man sed because this kid wanna travel to the dragon tower and than the dragon looked at me and sed so this is him huh the kings son what a weak kid bit okey. And the dragon turns around and sed get on il take you to the tower and the man looked at me and sed get on we don't have a lot of time so go on and so i got on the dragon and we flew into a dimensional portal and finally there i was at the tower of dragons i could believe it finally I'm here. And now i can see what my father left behind here for me and so than the dragon flew away again and sed good luck boy i hoop you stay alive see yea and he was gone.

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