Chapter Nineteen

Magsimula sa umpisa

Skidding to a stop at a fabric-topped stool, I shout out, "Good morning, mommy!"

Mom turns quickly, a smile splitting her face. "Good morning, my sweet! How did you sleep?"

Her hair is pulled into a sloppy high bun. Her cheeks are flushed a slight pink. A sparkle is in her pale blue eyes, and her shoulders are held slightly higher. A spatula is in her right hand; little bits of egg still clinging to the surface.

She knows dad is coming home; you can tell by the shine in her smile and the animation in her voice.

"Good," I answer, "I had a really scary nightmare, but I was a big girl and I'm okay!" I beam with pride as mom scoops me up and places me on the stool.

"I'm so proud of you, Nikki!" Mom says, sounding truly pleased as she kisses the top of my head. She shuffles around the counter and grabs a lime green plate from our off-white cabinets. Scooping the eggs and bacon onto my plate from the skillet, she hums to herself happily.

Today was by far the best day we've had in a long time of dad being gone.

I shift constantly in my seat; not being able to sit still with all the pleasure of this perfect morning coursing through me. Mom slips the plate in front of me and pulls up a stool by my side. Her fuzzy pink bathrobe rubs against my arms, and I giggle- being very ticklish.

"Yummy?" She questions, taking a bite of bacon from my plate.

"Mhmm," is all I'm able to respond as I shovel the gooey eggs down my throat.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings. Its light little chirping noise resounds throughout the house. Mom glances at the little black alarm clock on the windowsill that overlooks our front yard and neighborhood.

"Probably Dex or his mother," she informs me, "they're the only ones that come over so early."

I just nod, gulping mouthfuls of juice. Mom gets up, adjusts the stool back into place, kisses my head, and walks briskly towards the door; her beige slippers making a scuffing sounds and she wanders over the wooden floor.

As she approaches the door, she chirps, "How about we go to the bowling alley today? We can take Dex!"

Her mood is so joyous upon the return of my father that she will take me anywhere I desire. This is why I can't pass up the opportunity to request more. "And the ice cream shop?" I prod, finally taking a pause from eating.

"Yes, of course! How could I forget?!" She chirps; following it with a light laugh.

"Yay!" I yell. I plunge another forkful of food in my mouth and listen as the door opens.

"How can I help you, sir?" Mom questions with a shaking voice.

I sit straighter in my chair. It couldn't be Dex or his mother.

"I'm very sorry. May I come in?" A deep voice whispers.

Mom answers with a very grim, "Yes, of course. Please come in."

Curiosity makes me put down my fork on the island's counter-top, hop off the stool, and scamper into the living room.

The living room was always the most pleasant place in the house. It had pale blue walls with distressed white wood furniture. In the center of the room was a white table with two small drawers tucked inside. On the table was various magazine's and a white candle wrapped in a designed iron shell. We had a large couch in there; it was a aquamarine color with white pillows. On the walls hung pictures of dad, mom, and me. The main picture was placed right above the couch. It was a black and white photo of mom and dad on their wedding day. Mom's head was tipped back in a laugh, and dad held her hand with a smile on his face. The California sun was just setting behind them, and the cool tranquil waves kissed the shoreline at their feet. Ever since their wedding mom and dad wanted to move to California, but they didn't have enough money yet. I hoped- selfishly- that they never had enough money because I didn't want to leave Dex.

Finding HimTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon