Chapter 14

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"This is how you get Rj killed," those words keep echoing in Chaeyoung's head.

"I know I fucked up, Lisa. I'm sorry I lost it. I just can't get that fucking thing out of her. Believe me Lisa,"

"So, you are telling me that making her fall in love with you is the answer? that's bullshit," Lisa shook her head.

"I'm testing Lisa," Rosie hugged her best friend to calm her.

"Please explain to me so I would know what you are thinking," Lisa sighed.

"I'm still sticking to the plan, And I feel like It will be the same fate. We all suppose to get hurt, and pooff, everything will be fine."

"How did you know, Chaeng?"

"Because it reacted on Jennie. She fell inlove with me easily, but she need to be with me and admit it. I don't want to hurt her, Lisa. But I have to," Rosie finally sobs to neck Lisa's shoulder.

"When she asked me if I like her, and she burst, I touched it. And when I bolt out and asked her if she likes me which is obviously yes! and I touched it again and then you yelled. I'm sorry if I'm being rediculous,"

"If you think I'm being selfish right now, no, because she deserves to experience living. I thought you know me enough, Lisa."

"Well, shit right? we tend to do selfish things when we are in love,"

"Fuck that knife," Rosie chuckled.

"Sorry, I judge you again. If that's the only way to get that thing out of her chest then let's risk it or they will all die,"

"That cursed knife in Jennie's chest. It's killing me every time I see it." Rosie said.

"It keeps reminding me of how I killed her,"

While Jennie laid in her bed, regretting what she did. She acted like a nagger girlfriend.

She's thinking of breaking up with Hanbin; she is thinking about how she will break it off without hurting her long-time boyfriend.

She only cried, thinking how Rosie made her feel, respected her, and make her free. She balled her fist and picked up her phone, and called Rosie.

"I'm choosing you,"

"Jennie," Rosie speaker softly, "What are you fears you?"

"Hmm, why?"Jennie asked, but the chef didn't respond, " As of now Death, I'm not ready. I want to do a lot of things. I want to see the world. I realized those after you forced me to do some unimaginable things that I never expect that I'll be doing,"

"At some point, I'm happy that I met you before getting married, cause I don't know if I will be able to experience this when my time is fully controlled by my Husband, I owe you big time,"

"Thank you, talk to you tomorrow? I love you, Jennie," Rosie said, ending the call without waiting for the brunette's response.


"Babe, do you remember my favorite book? the author agreed to make it a movie," Hanbin excitedly said as he laid beside Jennie. she is startled that she didn't even felt the presence of her fiance.

"What book is that again?" Jennie sweetly asked, trying to look okay in front of her fiance.

"Forbidden love, It is the best of all times. It will be big because everyone loves that story and the author is really kind, I want you to meet her too," Hanbin said like a child.

"What is the story about?" Jennie asked,

"It's about sister's who fell in love with each other that turns out to be a tragedy,"

"Sisters? are you reading gay stories? and incest?!" Jennie crossed her arms.

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that? It's pretty normal now? why? don't you support same-sex relationships? and I don't fully support incest but yeah,"

"Oh, I don't have any problem with that, It's just, we are together for a long time and I didn't know that you read those kinds of stories,"

"I'm a businessman, Jennie. I needed to understand them and accept their sides, you know, It also matters to me because it can bring us big money,"

"You said tragedy, what happened?" Jennie asked

"They are three sisters, the older one and younger one fell in love with each other, and their father caught them kissing," Jennie suddenly feels unease, and she doesn't understand why; she swallowed while listening to her fiance. "You have to read it so you would know," Hanbin giggled.

"I really don't like how selfish Rj is in the story, I understand what Chaeyoung did but it made her suffer a lot," Hanbin heavily sighed.

Jennie felt curious as she heard the name Rj, sisters, especially the name Chaeyoung, "what's the name of the author?"

"Ohh, Her pen name is P.C.Y but her real name is Roseanne Park, I think it's okay for you to know since you are my future wife. She's the owner of Chaelisa Restaurant," Jennie feels like struck hearing the name. Of course, that's confidential but Hanbin trusts Jennie, but he doesn't know that her fiance and Roseanne know each other and have something more.

She picked up the book slowly and smiled at Hanbin, "I will read it," Hanbin is happy because he has someone he can talk to about the book. However, he needs to leave to start the project.

Jennie starts reading the book as curiosity is running all over her body.

"Chaeyoung is the eldest, Sooya is the second one, Ruby Jane is the youngest or mostly called Rj," Jennie smiled, thinking that Rosie must really love her sister to make it a character in her book, but also thought that most of the authors write stories base on their personal experience.

"Everything is good until I fell in love with my sister, Rj." Jennie read and froze in her place. She closed the book and kept thinking until she fell asleep.

It's in the middle of the night in the riverside, where it is so peaceful, and there is no one around.

"Can we talk?" A woman said while Rosie is sitting in front of the river. She is thinking deeply that she didn't hear it, so the woman needs to repeat it loudly, and it startled Rosie, making her stand up. However, she tripped and fell in front of the woman; her eyes are closed, and she felt her lips pushed on the soft and warm lips of the woman below her.

Chaeyoung felt some kind of weird connection; some electricity traveled around her body, she felt some weird sensation that made her move her lips, while the woman below her did the same. While making out, memories are keep flashing on Chaeyoung.

It is some hidden or missing memory that is forgotten.

"Please, don't leave," The woman back hugs chaeyoung while they are in the shower together. She only smiled and faced the woman and kissed her.

"I love you Chae, I'm so in love with you, please, don't do this," she said between kisses.

"You know that I love you too, right? I'm so in love with you too, but I can't disobey Dad," Chaeyoung caressed the woman's face wiping her tears.

Roseanne came back to her sense as she is catching her breath, same with the woman below her but more like frozen and shocked in her place.

"I love you too, I'm so in love with you too," these words keep ringing to Rosie's head.

Rosie slowly opened her eyes and saw the woman looking at her in horror.

"I love you too, I'm so in love with you too," It rang again.

"I love you too, Sooya,"


You (Chaennie) x (Lisoo)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum