"And from this entry from some guy named Henry Reel, they also added rewards for celebrities. Depending on the celebrity depended on the reward," Rovvie explains as I shift uncomfortably in my seat feeling Alycia's eyes on me.

"It ranged from money, guns, diamonds, and a bunch of other crap," Ducky said, disgust in her voice. I shake my head as they continue on.

"But that's not all-" Rovvie pauses a moment causing me to pick up my head. He walks over and pulls down the screen then heading over to the laptop pressing a button causing a video to pop up on the screen. All eyes were on it.

"We do this to show that no ones safe and sound! We do this for ourselves! The outcasts of the world!" Gale's voice speaks loudly. A big crowd surrounding him as he stands on some sort of table or stage. He turns on his feet, looking to everyone around him. All of them looking to him like he was some sort of leader.

"We do this for those who have wronged us!" The crowd cheers. "We do this to break the cycle of overpowered, no good idiots who took everything from us!" The crowd cheers again. "And we do this for ourselves! We get revenge on everyone! And we show?"

"NO MERCY!" The crowd shouts and begins to chant, No mercy! over and over again. Gale walks around the table or stage thing pumping everyone in the room up. Doing whatever he could to get everyone there riled up. A proud smirk against his lips before his eyes land directly on the camera and that's where the video stops.

Everyone in this room was silent. I glance my eyes around slowly before tilting my head looking back to the screen staring at Gale's eyes who's looking directly at the person filming. This causes me to shift in my position getting everyone's eyes to turn to me.

"Daisy filmed it, didn't she?" I ask, looking between Rovvie and Ducky. Rovvie nods his head up and down slowly as Ducky cups her hands together in front of her. "How long ago was this recorded?"

"The drive is from 3 months before Daisy's..." Ducky's voice trails off.

"He killed her," I say my voice low, looking to everyone. "He knew she was there and let it go for months. He was here pretending to be our friend and all along we stood in a room day by day, slept at night with a killer as our roommate."

The room goes silent and I shake my head pushing myself up out of the seat feeling everything ache. I clench my jaw and shake my head as I finally get up. My eyes slowly going to everyone in the room before pointing to the screen.

"He deserved what happened. I don't regret shooting him and I'd do it again-" I pause seeing some shocked faces but I shook it off going on. "This is our home. We built this place from the ground up! We are not going to let someone like him or people who follow him tear us apart. He already took someone from us. He almost took all of us but I'm not going to let anyone tear us apart. No one else is dying. No one else is going down. Not a single chance in hell. We're going fight for us and for everyone else out there who has lost their life. Who is being held against their will. And who is in pain. We owe that much to Daisy, to us, to our society. We're family. Maybe not blood, but chosen and we'll get justice."

Silence fills the room as I know my words float and linger through the room. I lick my lips, pulling my bottom lip back biting it gently before I hear someone begin to clap. I glance to my right and see Alycia standing up clapping her hands together. A smile is spread against her lips and that's when I hear someone else begin to clap. My eyes gently tear from Alycia's green ones and find Rovvie clapping. A proud smile on his lips now. I stop biting my lips and soon, one by one everyone in the room was standing and clapping. All eyes were on me and I nod feeling tears well into my eyes looking around at everyone.

𝕊𝕒𝕗𝕖 & 𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 (𝔸𝕝𝕪𝕔𝕚𝕒 𝔻𝕖𝕓𝕟𝕒𝕞-ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now