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"SOOBIN―WATCH OUT!" Yeonjun called out, instantly snapping him out of his daze as he swivelled on his spot, noticing a hooded person charging towards him with a metal pole raised.

All at once, his mind stopped functioning, his muscles failing to run as all Soobin could do was stand there, watching the hooded figure now several feet away from him―the metal bar raised in the air about to hit him―

Instinctively, he shut his eyes, anticipating for the hit to come.


Only it didn't. All he could feel was the warmth of a body pressed firmly against his as Soobin instantly opened his eyes to see Yeonjun clutching him tightly.

"Yeonjun!" Soobin cried, holding him tightly by the shoulders as he studied the latter's face: shocked, relieved, pain.

"I-I-I'm okay," Yeonjun stammered, but his body said otherwise as he collapsed slowly onto his knees, Soobin by his side grabbing onto his arms to provide support.

"No, you're not! We need to get help―we need to take you somewhere―" Soobin said feverishly in between breaths as he attempted to get the latter on his feet. It was no use. Slowly, Yeonjun's eyelids began to drop. His grip on Soobin's hand loosening.

"Yeonjun! YEONJN―" He shook the unconscious male as he searched around the area for someone who could help―anyone. But no one came into view: it was just them in the desolate city park.

Acting quickly, Soobin carried Yeonjun on his back, steadying him as he began to trudge towards his house before stopping as he heard a whooshing sound coming from behind, almost similar to a punch being thrown behind him―

He turned around: Beomgyu was holding the assailant by the neck as he strangled to break free, audible wheezing and distorted words Soobin couldn't make out being spluttered from his mouth.

"B-beomgyu?" Soobin blurted out in surprise, feeling relieved. "B-but how did you even―"

"Ouch! C-c-can't you l-let ―cough― me g-go? I won't d-do it a-again―I promise!" The boy being suffocated by Beomgyu uttered out; Soobin recognised that voice.

"Jae Yi?" He said, eyes widening. "Beomgyu―w-what's going on?"

"My answer is just as good as yours. But for now, please take care of my cousin for me, will you? I will settle this Jae Yi here," Beomgyu said with an evil smirk, clearly amused to see his hostage struggling so violently under his grip.


"No buts," Beomgyu interrupted. Jae Yi coughing madly behind him. "I can handle him while you handle Yeonjun. Now go," he continued. His tone knife sharp: implying that no negotiations would be taken.

This time, Soobin obeyed.

With Yeonjun still not regaining consciousness, Soobin carried him towards his room before placing him softly onto his bed. Going to his house seemed like the most rational decision at the moment since it wasn't too far.

After getting an ice bag, Soobin placed it on Yeonjun's forehead, the side of his face, and his neck repetitively. A few minutes go by as Soobin found his attention being drawn to Yeonjun's delicate facial features.

He looks so calm, so at peace, Soobin thought to himself, brushing a hair strand out of Yeonjun's face. If it wasn't obvious enough, Yeonjun had been looking so restless all day, like something was bothering him.

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