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Something about the way Soobin kept giving him weird looks for the whole day made Yeonjun feel uneasy.

Did the memory pill work? He thought to himself anxiously.

It better.

Or he might as well kiss his "fresh" start at this school goodbye.

He opened the door to the house as he stepped in, the cool air welcoming his entrance back home. No matter how many times they had moved, his mother's taste in interior design never changed; the walls were made of black marble, in contrast to the floor, which had pale granite tiles. Crimson-red velvet curtains draped on either side of the large glass window that led to the mini garden.

Two large marble pillars stood at the end of the vast room, supporting two large staircases leading to the second floor. The area was still empty. The carpet laying on top of the granite floor was bare, and that was how his mother liked it, referring to leave the room you first enter empty, almost like an art museum.

"Good afternoon, Master Choi," Secretary Ji greeted, "you have a visitor waiting for you upstairs in your room."

"Is mother home? Can I speak to her? Or could you ask if we can have dinner together, at least," Yeonjun asked.

"I'm sorry, but your mother requests to be alone for now; she's already as busy as it is with her work," she replied, casting an apologetic look on the boy.

"I understand," he sighed, walking to his room on the second floor.

He turned the doorknob slowly, catching a glimpse of a dark-haired figure sitting comfortably on the armchair in his room.

"Beomgyu!" Yeonjun cried, instantly feeling his exhaustion melting away as he placed his school bag onto the floor.

"You didn't think I won't bother to pay a visit to my cousin now that you live pretty close to Seoul, now did you?" Beomgyu asked with a smirk, his eyes twinkling under the light.

"Of course not," Yeonjun chuckled.

It has been a while since he had last smiled. "After I'm done showering, I promise I'll fill you in on everything that has happened."

"Sure, sure," Beomgyu yawned.

"DON'T EVEN TRY TAKING A PEEK AND THREATEN TO BLACKMAIL ME WITH THAT PHOTO!" Yeonjun spun around, instantly noticing the stupidly large grin plastered onto his cousin's face. Beomgyu merely let out a giggle, which made Yeonjun sigh before stepping into the shower.

Ever since he was little, Yeonjun had grown close to Beomgyu, who was one of his living relatives left. To this day, it still shocks him to know just how many people were related to him, some he had never even met before they died of "unspoken circumstances."

Just like himself, Beomgyu was a half, so the two naturally got along quite well, acknowledging the fact that they were around the same age too. His sudden visit to him when he had just recently moved here was just what he needed―someone to share laughs and worries with.

"So, tell me," said Beomgyu, "how has it been mixing in with the humans at your new school?"

"Exhausting," Yeonjun replied curtly, planting his face into the pillow, "especially this one person. He keeps trying to talk to me," he continued, a vivid picture of Hueningkai's face appearing in his mind, then followed by Taehyun's, and later Soobin's.

Soobin. Something about that name ignited something inside of him.

"They just have so much energy," Beomgyu sighed, settling next to Yeonjun on the big bed, giving a pat on his back.

"Hmmm, Beomgyu?"


"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Say, have you ever been discovered by a human? Your identity, I mean," Yeonjun mumbled, still reluctant on whether he should let the latter know about his recent encounters.

"Hmmm, yeah. A couple of times," Beomgyu replied coolly, earning an intrigued expression from Yeonjun.

"Really? What did you do then?"

"Well, the first time I got caught, I pushed him off the Hangang Bridge—I SWEAR IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Beomgyu cried, noticing the frown forming on his cousin's face. "As for the second one, well... he was so shocked that it resulted in his death. And the last one..."

His voice trailed off. Yeonjun looked up to see the sudden change in Beomgyu's eyes; he could see sadness―almost regret in them. It was as if the latter had been completely immersed in a memory he wished to forget as Beomgyu started fidgeting with the charm bracelet he always wore on his wrist nervously.

"It's okay, you can tell it to me another time," he said quickly.

"Mhm, but anyway, why do you ask?"

"Right... about that. The thing is—well, I nearly got caught—BUT I GAVE HIM THE MEMORY PILL!" Yeonjun quickly added as he saw Beomgyu's eyes widen in disbelief.

"And?" Beomgyu asked, figuring that if the situation was that simple, then Yeonjun wouldn't have told him about it.

"I have a feeling that he remembers about it," he sighed.

"How so?"

"He keeps looking at me weird. I don't know, I could be wrong, but still."

"You really have to be careful, the memory pill only works once. If he finds out, then it's the end for you," Beomgyu warned.

Yeonjun sat there on the edge of his bed, his mind possibly trying to comprehend all that was being delivered to him

"Here's what I learnt from humans; they can never be trusted. Even if that person knows about your identity and swears not to tell a soul, it doesn't change the fact that his and your life could potentially be in great danger. Make sure he doesn't remember a thing," Beomgyu spoke, the mischief in his voice gone.

"Or else...?" Yeonjun bit his lip.

"Or else, you will have to kill him."

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