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Morning light poured sifted through the curtains, setting Soobin's room aglow with a goldish hue. Wincing slightly from the sea of light, Soobin got up gingerly, feeling his head caught in a daze.

It felt as if everything that had happened the night before was a dream. Then a sudden rush of trepidation rose in his blood as Soobin reached for his phone only to receive a "good morning" text from Yeonjun.

His shoulders slumped in relief. So it wasn't a dream. He smiled to himself, replying to Yeonjun's text before heading towards the kitchen while texting the latter.

Soobin took a seat next to his brother by the kitchen counter, instantly noticing the latter dressed in an entirely black fit today.

"Are we going somewhere today?" He asked, setting his breakfast by the table.

"It's our parent's anniversary today," Minhyuk replied flatly.

It took a good minute for the ring of those words to sink in as Soobin gave a mental slap to himself— how could he forget such an important day? He looked down to his phone only to get a new message sent from Yeonjun:

Yeonjun: Are you free today? Maybe we can go somewhere ^^

"How long will we be at the columbarium?" Soobin asked.

"Well, it's 11 right now. Getting the food and the flowers would take around an hour. It takes at least 20 minutes to get there; we're probably going to stay there for an hour or so too."

"Ah," Soobin mumbled, feeling slightly disheartened. "So, when will we be free?"

"From 2 o'clock onwards, I suppose," he replied.

"Great!" Soobin beamed.

Soobin: I'm sorry, but my brother has already made plans. Does meeting at around 2 work for you?

Yeonjun: Sure, see you then :)

The soft ticks of the clock filled the silence suspending in the room, its dormancy reflecting Soobin's very emotions. His gaze shifted from his parent's portraits to the chrysanthemums they brought, to his brother, then back to his parent's photos again.

Soobin stood there, feeling nothing. His parents died when he was barely four. Any memories of them were forgotten and long gone, the only chances of recollection only available through old family photographs.

His parent's death has always been a mystery with their sudden disappearance while they were on a holiday to Suwon. He remembered not feeling a thing on the night his brother told him that their parents had died; after all, what would a 4-year-old know about death?

He has always asked his brother to bring him to visit their grave, but his request got denied every single time— Soobin never bothered asking why. So here they were, at the columbarium, the only place where Soobin would feel the closest to his parents.

"Shall we get going now?" Minhyuk asked.

"Y-yep, sure," he replied, sparing one last glance at his parent's portraits before tailing after his brother.

Fresh air embraced Soobin once he stepped outside, contrasting to the smell of joysticks and smoke from the columbarium as he spotted a familiar figure in the distance who was waving back at him.

Yeonjun. Soobin instantly felt the corner of his lips pulling into a smile.

"You can go home first without me, I'm meeting up with a friend," Soobin said to his brother, who replied with a nod before setting off to a different path.

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