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It feels weird when you spent the entirety of the day vowing to distance yourself from a particular person only to enjoy the feeling of their hand holding yours at this moment.

Yeonjun led Soobin towards the nearest bathroom, getting a dampened tissue as he wiped the blood off. Holding onto his hand gently, Yeonjun took a band-aid from his pocket.

"Are you okay?" Yeonjun asked, looking up.

His eyes met Soobin's as he sensed the latter's hesitance to come up with a reply.

"I'm sorry," he apologised instantly. "I shouldn't have brought you here, neither should I have bothered talking to you—I'm making this harder for the both of us, aren't I?" Yeonjun managed a pained smile, his expression crestfallen.

Under the light, Yeonjun's eyes reflected a sullen glint. Sadness and guilt. That was what Soobin saw in them, almost as if this wasn't what he wanted either.

So why are you doing this?

"Sorry—I'll leave now," Yeonjun mumbled, turning for the door-

Soobin reached a hand out, wanting to open his mouth to let out all the questions and thoughts he had been bottling up all day.

But instead, Soobin just stood there, unable to usher a sound from his throat as he watched Yeonjun disappear from his view once more.

Hours have gone by since he had come back from school and locked himself in here. Like a prison to his own home, Yeonjun laid in bed, staring idly at the ceiling, the sadness in Soobin's eyes still fresh in his mind.

He should've told Soobin the reason for all the things he had said the night before instead of pushing him away and waiting here like a coward.

What am I doing?

Is he keeping a distance from Soobin because by being with him, he would only bring the latter's inevitable fate of death closer?

Or was he doing all this to save himself from the grief and sorrow he would be feeling later on once Soobin is gone?

The fact that Yeonjun had even managed to think of the latter made him feel sick to the stomach.

He was being a selfish coward, doing nothing by sitting here and anticipating Soobin's death. These thoughts have been running through his mind for the past hours as he shut himself away from the world outside of his room, pretending he could hide away from his problems.

A knock came from the door. Yeonjun didn't move—his body felt too tired and drained, his mind far too deep in his world of thoughts that he didn't even bother to see who had just entered his room.

It's probably Secretary Ji about to ask me to have dinner, he thought to himself. That only gave him more reason not to leave his bed.

"Are you hungry?" A voice called out. It wasn't Secretary Ji's, neither was it his mother's. A savoury aroma of ramen followed as Beomgyu walked closer towards Yeonjun.

"Nope," Yeonjun replied flatly, his appetite lost.

Beomgyu heaved a dismissive sigh before dragging a chair to the edge of Yeonjun's bed as he placed the bowl of instant noodles on top of a vanity.

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