04 | ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇs ᴇʀᴀsᴇᴅ

618 63 13


He should never remember this incident ever again.


I must be crazy, he thought.

To think barely 10 minutes ago, he was minding his own business while going down to a nearby convenience store. His night would've gone more or less relatively peaceful without any problems whatsoever. But no. He had to run into a particular someone.

Someone who seemed way too drunk to even think straight.

Someone who's now unconscious on his back.

Out of ALL the people Soobin could've run into. He just had to meet Yeonjun. Yeonjun of all people.

But then again, what was he supposed to do after witnessing a classmate pass out on the streets? He couldn't have just left him there. And so, that brings him to where he is now: carrying Yeonjun on his back while he trudged back to his apartment.

Thank goodness his home wasn't too far, otherwise, Soobin might've contemplated just leaving him there. For one thing, the boy was pretty heavy, seemingly as if a boulder has been stacked on his back as Soobin painstakingly walked towards the elevator, his back hunched over from supporting Yeonjun's weight.

What was he expecting? They were nearly the same build. So of course, Yeonjun wouldn't be as light as a feather.

At long last, after 15 whole minutes of thinking his spine was about to snap any moment, they have reached the entrance to his house. Skillfully using a single hand to unlock the door, Soobin walked into the living room, switching the lights on as he slowly laid Yeonjun onto the couch.

Thankfully, his brother wasn't back from work yet. Things would've gone far more complicated if his older brother saw him coming home with a person who has passed out on his back.

He inhaled a breath of air, allowing the light breeze of the AC to dry off his sweat as he looked over to the unconscious male. What exactly happened to him?

"Yeonjun," he called out.

"Mmmm?" A grunt replied in response. Soobin let out an exhausted sigh.

Perhaps he hasn't completely blacked out, just too tired to think straight.

"W-water," Yeonjun rasped, his eyes half-open.

"Okay, okay," Soobin replied, immediately getting up with a jolt as he walked over to the kitchen. He poured the cold water into a cup, getting a lemon from the fridge as he cut it in half, squeezing some of its juice into the drink as he walked over to the sink to wash the knife—

"Ah!" He gasped, blood flowing out of the freshly-cut slit as Soobin reached for a towel to wrap it around his palm.

Grabbing the drink off the kitchen counter, Soobin made his way towards the living room couch as he helped Yeonjun sit up straight, who has yet to gain full consciousness.

"Here," he offered, passing the cup of water.

Yeonjun extended his hand, Soobin expecting for him to take the glass from his grip. But instead, he reached for Soobin's bandaged hand, slowly unravelling the towel as he brought Soobin's bloodied palm to his lips.

Soobin sat there, transfixed... too stunned to think straight as he felt the wet sensation of Yeonjun's tongue licking the blood off his skin, the feeling of his lips suctioning firmly against the opening of the wound.

Then, he saw it. The iris of Yeonjun's eyes glowing ruby-red.

Soobin wanted to scream, but could not usher a sound from his tight throat as he sat there wide-eyed. Shock completely took over his mind as he lost focus, his eyelids feeling heavy as they started to droop. And then he lost all consciousness before collapsing onto the floor

Feeling his senses flooding back to him, Yeonjun widened his eyes in shock as he found himself sucking onto someone's bloodied palm. Soobin's bloodied palm. He immediately let go of his hand as it fell onto the floor, recoiling in shock before wiping his lips—they were coated with Soobin's blood.

What the fuck did I just do?

Still slightly dazed, Yeonjun looked around the room. There, he saw an unfamiliar setting, one he has never been here before.

Where am I and how did I even get here? Yeonjun asked himself, forcing his mind to remember what had happened earlier.

Wine-tasting event... Mr Hee Suk... Falling into a stranger's arms.

Yeonjun face-palmed himself as soon as the realisation hit him; he had probably bumped into Soobin, and it was him who brought him to his house, which Yeonjun assumes, is where he is right now.

He looked over his shoulder to see Soobin passed out on the floor. Yeonjun didn't know how much time left he will have until he wakes up.

With great ease, Yeonjun lifted the boy off the floor, laying his body onto the couch before quickly walking towards the kitchen, where he found a first-aid kit in one of the drawers. He wiped Soobin's palm with a warm towel, cleaning it before quickly adding ointment and wrapping the wound with gauze.

That should do, he thought, getting up before coming to a halt, realising the risk of his identity being exposed if Soobin ever recollects what has happened today.

Fumbling with the pocket of his blazer, Yeonjun took out single a pill from a small container. He quickly plopped one into Soobin's mouth, grabbing a bottle of water and literally force-feeding the boy with it, praying that the pill is now going down his food pipe.

All of a sudden, a jab in his head was felt, causing Yeonjun to wince slightly. But he didn't have time to stay here.

Sparing one last glance at Soobin's sleeping body, he left the house before disappearing into the night.

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