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3 months later New York

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3 months later
New York

Just when things seemed to be calming down, something big happened. The Flag Smashers decided to step things up and let the entire world that they weren't happy and crashed a meeting where the government were going to vote on global resettlement. Sam had been spending several months at home in Louisiana, training with the shield and getting on his A-game; waiting for the right moment when he could arrive and take down the Flag Smashers before something really bad happened. He was the new Captain America, the hero that everyone needed and the person that Steve had wanted to take over. This was his chance to prove to everyone that he was the person that could do the job and at his side were the people that he trusted the most. Bucky had already arrived in Manhattan, where police were surrounding the building and he had authority to get inside.

"We have breaking news. There's a complete lockdown at the GRC meeting in Lower Manhattan where authorities are saying they're tracking multiple threats from groups seeking to stop the GRC's vote on global resettlement. There is no fly-zone in effect and the NYPD has the area secured for the moment. Everyone is urged to stay clear."

Sam flew through the air, wanting to get to the building as soon as possible because he had guessed that something like this was going to happen and didn't want anyone to make any decisions until he could see for himself what was going on. As he was getting closer, he talked over the radio to Bucky, who was on the ground, taking things in. "I'm almost there."

"What's the plan?" Bucky asked, making his way through the several crowds of people that had gathered outside the building.

"Karli has to be close. Keep your eyes open."

He frowned as the police allowed him through the barrier, knowing that Karli could be right next to him and he wouldn't know. "Well, it could be anybody."

"And by the way, I called in some backup."

"Excuse me, sir. Are you supposed to be here?" A man grabbed Bucky by the arm but before he could argue back with the stranger, Sharon pulled off her facial covering and revealed herself. "It's me."

"Sharon, what the hell are you doing here?" He questioned, shocked to see her in New York after she had sworn not to return until her pardon had been accepted.

"Sharon's there?" Noelle's voice came through the radio, whining because she felt really left out. "No fair, I wanted to come!"

Bucky sighed at his wife, not wanting her to be involved with the mission at all. Not only was she several months pregnant and it would be dangerous for her to be on the mission, but just listening over the radio could cause her stress and stress wasn't good for the baby. They had mutually agreed that she would stay away and Bucky would help Sam with the mission; but she was struggling and had never been out of the loop before. "Elle, what are you doing on the radio?"

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