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November 1943Austria

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November 1943

Jumping out of the plane wasn't really thought about at the time but as Steve flew through the air faster than the speed of light, he was started to regret his decision. He landed with a grunt on the floor, the shield not doing much to protect him but he jumped up and shook off the ungraceful landing; making a note to remind himself to practise his landings so that this never happened again. He pictured the map in his mind and immediately ran towards the location of the Hydra base, finding it exactly where Agent Carter had pointed it out to him. The darkness meant that it was easier for him to hide behind the rows of trees in the forest, then he heard the low murmur of car engines and noticed that there were a row of trucks heading down the middle of the road. Knowing that this could be his only chance of getting inside the base, he waited until the final truck drove past and ran after it, slipping into the back of the truck and smirking to himself for his stamina.

Then he realised that he wasn't alone in the back of the truck, facing two Hydra soldiers who pointed their guns towards him. "Fellas." He acknowledged them politely before fighting, and managing to knock both of the soldiers out; quietly dropping their unconscious bodies out the back of the truck.

When the engines stopped murmuring, Steve knew that they had reached the base and when his truck had been parked alongside the others, he made his escape. Jumping out of the truck and knocking over the single Hydra agent that had been waiting to help unload his truck. Then came the hard part because he needed to get inside the building without being spotted and there were hundreds of agents around every corner, he also needed to work out where the captured troops were being kept because this base was huge and he wouldn't have much time before his cover was blown. Steve hid behind a door into the base, knocking on it and waited for a Hydra agent to walk over to open it, when the door slowly opened, he used his momentum to push the door into his face. The Hydra agent hadn't been expecting this and was taken off-guard, he had no time to react and Steve punched him one more time before dragging his body into the corner of the room and entering the main warehouse which was where most of the agents seemed to be lurking.

Steve darted in between the machinery in the warehouse, ensuring that he stayed hidden but also wondering what was happening inside this facility because it seemed that they were conducting experiments of some kind. He stopped near a tray of light blue liquid and picked up one of the vials, knowing it could be important and stashed it into the pocket of his uniform. Even though, he had managed to stay quiet and dart between the machinery, along the way there had been some unlucky Hydra agents that were now lying unconscious in their spots because he couldn't risk leaving anyone behind. Steve didn't know that the cameras of the warehouse were following him and that Schmidt already knew he was there, they were preparing to make their escape before he had even had the chance to rescue the troops.

There seemed to be a large room towards the bottom of the warehouse, which had holes in the floor and that seemed to be used as cells for the soldiers. Steve quietly approached the final guard on duty and knocked him out, taking the keys off his belt and throwing them down to the men in the cell below. Some would say that the men were relieved to be liberated from this base but at the same time, they were confused because they had no idea who this man wearing tights was. They had been captured before Captain America had become a household name and didn't know who this guy was, they didn't know if they could trust him. Steve dropped down into the corridor where the cells were held, and smiled to himself as he watched the soldiers unlocking the doors and freeing themselves from the nightmare. But he was stopped by a group of soldiers, who were more interested in knowing who he was.

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