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Berlin, Germany

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Berlin, Germany

Knowing that Zemo was their only chance of finding out how the super soldier serum had been recreated, Bucky and Sam headed to the prison where he was being kept. It wasn't going to be easy; this was a man who had very nearly gotten rid of all super soldiers by putting Steve and Tony against each other; he was full of tricks and had almost gotten Bucky killed in Siberia. He knew that he was going to have to be careful around this man because even behind bars, he would be prepared for anything and with his connections, probably already knew that they were visiting him. If Hydra was behind the recreation of the serum, then Zemo would know about it and he would be their best bet of finding a lead which would lead them to the Flag Smashers and could help them take down the movement before things got out of hand. They were also up against John Walker, so getting to Zemo first was critical because they wanted to use him as their advantage.

The prison officer walked them through the prison, but stopped when he got to a certain point, not wanting to go beyond that sector. "He's just through that corridor."

"Give us a sec." Bucky said, waiting for the prison officer to walk away before turning to Sam and voicing his opinion on the matter. "I'm going in alone."

"Why?" Sam questioned, not liking that plan because he didn't trust Zemo and didn't trust what Zemo could do in a room alone with Bucky. They had a history and it wasn't the greatest relationship that had been formed, especially not after they had both tried to kill each other.

"Because you're an Avenger. You know how he feels about that."

"Look, it's not like you two were known for frolicking in the sun together."

Bucky knew that Sam had the right intentions, he was worried that Zemo couldn't be trusted and that was why he knew that he was the one to talk to the criminal. They understood each other in a way that not many others could understand and Bucky knew that he wouldn't appreciate a pep talk from the Falcon because they wouldn't get any information from him if they went inside the cell as Avengers. "He was obsessed with Hydra. We have a history together, trust me, I got it."

Even though Sam didn't approve of this part of the plan, he knew that talking about super soldiers and Hydra wasn't exactly his strong suit. He didn't know much about them and that was why Bucky was there, because he had more knowledge than anyone else; apart from Noelle but she was unable to help them on the mission due to her own undercover mission with Sword. Bucky took a deep breath, walking down the corridor and waited for the officer to buzz open the door which would lead to the cell. Zemo was sat on the edge of his bed, his cell was small but designed to keep him locked inside and there were glass panels around the front of the cell so that officers could always see inside. Zemo didn't look up when the door opened, he already had a suspicion for who was visiting him and made that clear by speaking in Russian. "Longing...Rusted...Seventeen..."

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