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Bucharest, Romania

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Bucharest, Romania

Following the information in the file, Steve and Noelle entered a deserted apartment which had been mentioned but didn't seem to belong to anyone as it was almost empty. There were newspapers covering the windows to keep people from looking in and that caused the entire place to have a dark tinge to its surroundings. The wallpaper was slowly peeling off the walls and there was a plain mattress on the floor which seemed to be used as a bed; indicating that the place was not empty and that someone did in fact live there. Steve was inspecting the newspapers, wondering if they held any information and had been placed there for a reason but Noelle was more invested in the small kitchen area because she had spotted a book on top of the refrigerator. She got up on her tip-toes to reach the top of the appliance and then brought the book down to her level, running her fingers over the leather-bound book and wondering whether to open it as she would be invading someone's property. She spotted the different coloured sticky notes at the tops of the pages and couldn't stop from being interested, so she opened the book and flicked through until she spotted her name written at the top of the page.

My girlfriend. Steve's best friend.
Met at the Jazz Club. She is very beautiful. Also, very argumentative.
First kiss? Jealous of her dating and accidentally spilled my true feelings. She felt the same way.
Left for service, left her behind. Very upset, thought never would see her again.

This was the proof that they needed to know that this was in fact the home of Bucky Barnes, it wasn't a great place but the fact that he was a hostile on the run and had managed to find this place was incredible. The fact that he had been hiding for several years now and they had only managed to find him with the help of a Shield Agent meant that he was good at blending in. Just as Noelle was about to turn the page and delve deeper into whatever thoughts Bucky had about her and their relationship, Sam spoke over the radio which reminded them that they were on a mission and needed to keep on track. "Heads up, guys, Germany Special Forces are approaching from the south."

"Understood." Steve answered before feeling a shift in the atmosphere and looked over his shoulder to see that Bucky had entered his apartment; he was stood in the middle of the room and was staring directly at them. "Do you know me?"

"You're Steve. I read about you in a museum." He answered, keeping his head low so that they could barely see his face as it was covered by his baseball hat and his long dark hair.

Noelle closed the book that she had been reading, worried about the answer for her question but needing to know if he recognised her. "And me?"

"Noelle. You were in the museum too."

"You wrote about us, our first date, the first time you kissed me, the night before you went to the army." She continued, pausing for a moment to make sense of what she was implying because if he remembered things that happened seventy years ago then he must remember most things now. "You remember everything."

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