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After pulling an unconscious Bucky out of the water, whoever could be trusted regrouped in an abandoned warehouse

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After pulling an unconscious Bucky out of the water, whoever could be trusted regrouped in an abandoned warehouse. Sam had managed to escape the institute with all of the other Agents that had evacuated and met them in the warehouse, still not completely happy that his wings had been taken from him and he was defenceless if anything happened. But glad to be of service to someone that he considered his closest friend and would do anything to help Steve, even if he didn't completely trust the person that they were putting all of their trust in. To ensure that they had the upper-hand on the Winter Soldier, they put Bucky's arm in between some kind of machine that had been left in the warehouse, keeping it in place so that he couldn't get out and attack them. They were secretly hoping that when he woke up, he would be back to Bucky but they couldn't take any chances with this guy.

"How are you doing?" Steve asked, as he stood beside Noelle and looked out at the lake which they had just climbed out of, keeping watch in case any agents got too close to their new spot.

She took a deep breath, looking at the water and trying to stay calm but it was harder than she expected. "I'm not sure. I've missed him, so much and I really hope that he comes back to us. But I also know that as soon as I get him back, I have to lose him again."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a pattern. Throughout our lives, every single time that I've gotten James back, something bad happens and he's gone again. I know that this time won't be any different."

The first time that she lost Bucky was when he left for war, she was sure that she was never going to see him again and that was the end of their story but then she was granted a second chance when Steve rescued them from Hydra. They spent time together in the Howling Commandos until Bucky fell from the train, where she was certain that he was dead and that nothing would ever take the pain away. Going into the ice for almost seventy years meant that when she woke up, Noelle believed she was going to have to grieve in a world which she didn't understand until she discovered that the Winter Soldier was actually Bucky and he was alive. The downside to him being alive was that he had become a deadly assassin and had no recollection of his past. Then when it seemed as though he had changed, by dragging Steve out of the water, he had to leave because he wasn't ready to face his demons and that was when Noelle lost him again. Now that he was back, possibly as himself rather than the Winter Soldier, she was terrified that somehow, she would lose him again and there wouldn't be any second chances.

Steve wanted to reassure her that this wouldn't happen again, that he wouldn't let his best friends lose the chance of a happy ending again but he realised that he couldn't promise anything. He had no idea what their future held and it was unfair of him to give her false hope when he didn't know what was going to happen. Before he could even try and think of something to say that would make her feel better, they were called back into the main area in the warehouse where they had put Bucky. "Hey, guys!" As quickly as possible, they hurried back inside the warehouse, hoping that no one would disturb them when they weren't keeping watch and were desperate to know if this whole thing had worked. Sure enough, Bucky was awake with his hair falling over his eyes as he took deep breaths and stared towards the floor. Sam was in the doorway with his arms folded over his chest, refusing to move closer to the criminal. Steve made his way closer first because Noelle didn't want to jump straight back into this and kept her distance.

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